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University life for freshers (2019/20) - we're hopping towards Easter with a pandemic to avoid **Title edited by MNHQ**

970 replies

NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 19/02/2020 19:28

Previous thread

OP posts:
bengalcat · 26/03/2020 09:59

Mine has stuff left at Durham - I’m still at work so was unable to collect her so she came down on the train .

NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 25/03/2020 19:05
OP posts:
NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 25/03/2020 18:58

Sorry not staying on top of my thread making duties. Will get on the case now.

OP posts:
Witchend · 25/03/2020 18:45

I think they've moved the remaining students to the self-catering colleges so they don't have to go to a dining hall all together.
I got the impression from dd that they'd told her (Butlers) that if she'd removed her stuff by Friday she wouldn't have to pay because they were moving other students in. It was unclear if she hadn't because they said they'd have to store it, so I presume they might charge something.

Benjispruce · 25/03/2020 17:38

That’s good @bigTillyMint

MrKlaw · 25/03/2020 17:13

no idea - it was just a tweet reply for now. Expect more details to follow for everyone. I'm sure they're working it out themselves

Pokkadots · 25/03/2020 17:00

@MrKlaw do they post the key back? We cleared his room on Sunday.

Decorhate · 25/03/2020 16:57

That’s good news @MrKlaw I will check if ds has had an email. We will need to go down and clear out his room as he moved most of his kitchen stuff into boxes under his bed before he caught the train back.

We can do the journey without stopping on the way so should be safe enough to do though will probably leave it for a couple of weeks.

bigTillyMint · 25/03/2020 16:55

I emailed Surham yesterday about not being able to collect DSs stuff and they said they would be letting us know about accommodation fees v soon.

I would think unis must be under some pressure to do the same as others who have waived the fees?

Benjispruce · 25/03/2020 16:48

Durham has sent 2 or 3 emails today, neither of them saying about accommodation charges. They say do not travel to get belongings as it’s not essential travel! They’ve moved remaining students to one or two buildings. Those poor students must feel awful.

MrKlaw · 25/03/2020 16:46

now we play a game called 'what is occupied' - and can we just wave goodbye to the cheap argos saucepans and plates we left in the kitchen and maybe pay a cleanup penalty. Don't want to go down just for that. Room is cleared out

Benjispruce · 25/03/2020 16:38

Great ! Come on Durham!

MrKlaw · 25/03/2020 16:36

From Bath (replied to my tweet):

"Following approval from the University’s governing body today, we can now confirm that we will only charge for accommodation that is being occupied after the timetabled Easter vacation"

Witchend · 25/03/2020 13:06

DD's gone up today with dh to clear her room. She did suddenly get really sad about not going back to her room, so I think it will be quite emotional.
They've got disposable gloves for filling up petrol and spray to make sure everything is clean. She thinks she has some spare flour in the kitchen, which is good because we can't get it for love nor money round here. However I have told her to be ready to find other students/cleaners have cleared her out of things like that (and loo paper) which is in short commodity. They shouldn't because it's in a locked cupboard, however they may have thought that if they were not coming back they might as well.

Alicatz66 · 25/03/2020 12:18

Thanks @blametheparents

justasking111 · 25/03/2020 12:07

DS on way back with dad, collected everything. His flat was empty so no helping hands. OH sat in car park, having surgery this week so has to avoid particularly. While he was sitting there counted 20 chinese students with all their luggage, returning to halls. He said poor kids didn`t anyone inform them before they returned that things had deteriorated so much here. What a mess uni. have made of this. Either that or they had zilch government advice so sat on their hands.

blametheparents · 25/03/2020 11:49


DH cleared out DS's room (Broadgate, Nottingham) and cleared all his kitchen stuff. Others had left some of their kitchen stuff so then whole flat is not clear.
No time (or perhaps inclination?) to clean so I am guessing we won't see our deposit back!

DS said that he had communication from his dept that a decision about exams etc would be available on Friday. Lectures have been online and have been good. He is keeping up to date with them.

No word yet on whether we will have to pay 3rd term rent. In fact, we have already paid it (d'oh!) so will be in the 'trying to get a refund' bucket if they decide to waive it!

Alicatz66 · 25/03/2020 10:56

@Ragwort .. DH picked DS up .. I can't get around as recovering from some surgery ... so couldn't clean or would've had a go !!! .. same here though .... an awful lot of cleaning stuff untouched since September ... have you heard anything from Nottingham @blametheparents?

Ragwort · 25/03/2020 09:49

Also waiting to hear from NTU (Mine have you heard anything?).

Cleaned and cleared out DS’s room - he hadn’t even unpacked the cleaning stuff I’d sent him with in September Angry.

Alicatz66 · 25/03/2020 09:42

Have I missed any link to a new thread ?

Alicatz66 · 25/03/2020 09:41

Waiting for news from Nottingham on accommodation situation. DS stuff all back but I doubt the kitchen was left in a pristine condition!!!!! ... he did come back with 3 loo rolls, anti bac spray and laundry stuff though !

Benjispruce · 25/03/2020 09:40

Yes @zanda DD1 brought back a completely full first aid bag saying she forgot about it! Hand gel inside plus paracetamol Grin
DD2 (yr11) has had a little science and English revision in case she wants to retake. Nothing else.


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ZandathePanda · 25/03/2020 09:30

Little Dd swamped with 11 pieces of work sent to all Year 11 ‘which may/may not be used as supporting evidence’ for your GCSE grade. Sigh. She still has the ability it just takes her much longer and the high dose of drugs she’s on don’t help. University Dd has got an essay to write on the most gruesome book - luckily not too upsetting personally for her - as the topics are vile. Fun times!

In other news university Dd brought back 8.5 toilet rolls and an unopened hand sanitiser I gave her in September which she’d forgotten about Grin.

Benjispruce · 25/03/2020 09:29

Also next year DD will be living out and won’t be catered.

Benjispruce · 25/03/2020 09:27

No prepaid card for catering. It’s included in the accommodation charge of £7600ish

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