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Working at clearing anyone?

30 replies

DulcetMoans · 13/08/2018 23:03

I hate clearing!

I'm tired and there's too much to do.

(Noticed a few responses on clearing threads from people in the know. Thought there might be some mutual moaning to be done!)

Good luck everyone!

OP posts:
another20 · 18/08/2018 14:45

Hope that you guys have broken the back of it?

Just have one further Q - verbal offer yesterday and then application for the course via UCAS clearing as directed by the university done at 3pm - how long should it take for this all to be confirmed on UCAS?

Assume that grades need verification etc and maybe this doesn't happen over the weekend? Or it takes a few days - just trying to manage expectations.

Thanks again....

DulcetMoans · 18/08/2018 21:22

Some unis will be in over the weekend to process offers, but not all. The accepting after referral part at the uni end is quite quick really. A few buttons to press but there are system delays. I think it takes four hours to get it from UCAS and four hours to send it back to UCAS from internal system for us so if they aren't inover the weekend it could take until lunch time Monday to see it if the they make their decision earlier Monday.

OP posts:
another20 · 18/08/2018 23:33

Thanks Dulcet - thats really helpful.

theunsure · 18/08/2018 23:41

I was lucky to not have to work today but we were open 8-6.
They will have been mostly working on queries and confirming offers today as fewer calls coming in for new offers.

As Dulcet says, not much to confirming really. The ones that take longer are non UK or criminal convictions or previous study or interview/portfolio courses. Straightforward “virgin” applicants with standard quals on standard courses take minutes to process and a few hours to appear on UCAS. You should here something Monday for sure.
We are posting offer packs from Monday onwards. Our clearing has a long tail though as we take students right up to October and for portfolio courses the decision process is a bit more convoluted.

Ariela · 19/08/2018 00:10

Can I just say how helpful you clearing people are (and I know what hard work it is because my Dad worked in admission for years), my daughter didn't bother picking her results up last year for about a week and then decided to apply, they were very helpful as she had previously decided 'no' to Uni, and consequently none of us knew anything about the process, so you clearing people were much appreciated - I made daughter do all the phoning, she normally has a phone phobia.

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