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Gap year for Oxford but only with AAA?

30 replies

Whitlandcarm · 23/08/2017 16:38

AAA (+A subj not taken)
Is it worth it? For a course with no entrance exam.

OP posts:
Bekabeech · 26/08/2017 20:27

This advice is odd as I know someone who was pretty much forced to take a gap year before going to Cambridge. And Merton say they are quite happy to take people post results, and with gap years except Maths and beginners Russian.

SerfTerf · 26/08/2017 20:34

I think the point of debate is whether those grades will cut it for a post-offer application with no entrance test.

Lucysky2017 · 26/08/2017 23:03

My view was the grades were nothing like high enough so not worth bothering (and I speak as a parent whose offspring just got AAA). However if she really wants to try and will always regret not doing so go for it - no point in having regrets later but be aware it is probably a small chance and be just as happy with the back up choice too.

marine04 · 29/08/2017 09:45

We were in a similar position. My daughter got 4A*s this year but applied for Cambridge last year and was turned down - she was interviewed and then pooled but not fished. It was a difficult time for us as one of my younger daughters was hospitalised at the interview time with an undiagnosed condition and my older daughter found it hard to focus. Anyway, almost inevitably on results day given those results the question came up about whether to withdraw and give Oxbridge another crack. She decided to stick where she was as she is going to fabulous university that often beats Cambridge in the league tables for her subject. She too was worried that even with high grades there are no shoo-ins for Oxbridge and you can never guarantee a good interview day. Like your daughter she was also worried that she wouldn't get an offer for her current university next year if she turned them down. Her current plan is to get a first then possibly an MPhil or PhD at Oxbridge!
She has friends going to Oxford and it does appear that as long as your predicted grades or grades along with your PS statement are good enough to get you an interview then any offer tends to be around the AAA level anyway.
If she is excited and full of plans for a gap year that would help develop her then it could be worth a shot but I would think she would need a definite plan B that she was happy with for if Oxford rejected her along with her current university. Good luck.

BubblesBuddy · 29/08/2017 15:39

It absolutely depends on the course. DDs offer was AAA. MFL. The web site for each subject says if they want AAA or above. The PS will determine if she is worth an interview and that is an early deadline of course. Showing you are worth an interview and then nailing the interview will be key. Lots of students do exceed AAA, but they certainly do not all get firsts! As if.

Getting employment with the subjects mentioned will not necessarily be a shoo-in from Oxford either. If she has a top quality place elsewhere, it is probably just as good. History will be much more competitive than Arch and Anth at Oxford. AAA may not be good enough for History.

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