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Correcting A Factual Mistake On UCAS Form After It Has Been Submitted

25 replies

Leeds2 · 16/10/2015 18:59

Does anyone know if it is possible to correct a factual mistake (wrong subject) on a UCAS form after it has been sent? We can't see any way to do it online, so have told DD to phone UCAS on Monday.

(Slinks off to spontaneously combust!)

OP posts:
Brioche201 · 05/12/2015 04:46

Shouldn't the referee is school be checking grades are correct.they go through it with a fine tooth comb at dcs school

Leeds2 · 17/11/2015 22:58

Well Done, Yolofish Junior!

OP posts:
yolofish · 17/11/2015 22:42

was all good, thanks leeds and she has conditional offers from her top 2 as of today...

Leeds2 · 15/11/2015 23:35

Hope it gets sorted for her. I know it is a horrible position to be in.

OP posts:
yolofish · 15/11/2015 22:43

no they havent processed her app yet, so she will have to get on to UCAS first thing tomorrow morning! she's gutted, but I have pointed out she wont be the first, nor the last to do it... but stress levels are high Wine

Leeds2 · 14/11/2015 23:03

I am presuming she doesn't yet have an offer for the "wrong" course?

If so, would recommend following the path my DD did, i.e. phone Ucas on Monday morning, and email the uni direct explaining the mistake. Would email the admissions dept. I would hope they would respond promptly.

Good Luck to her. It is a horrible feeling.

OP posts:
yolofish · 14/11/2015 22:51

oh god... we are in this situation. Did repeat visit today to a uni which was the first we saw - then saw 6 others - her first is top choice, but she has actually applied for the wrong course. Not actually her fault, because it is a new course and when we first visited at start of Sept they didnt even have a handout for it. We saw the head of course again today, who said he remembered us and even recognised her name from his inbox (??!) but she is devastated and totally embarassed and panicking about what she needs to do on Monday.

Leeds2 · 04/11/2015 21:58

Thanks. We were very relieved!

My daughter couldn't speak highly enough of the man she spoke to at UCAS, and it sounds as though they are all round good eggs!

OP posts:
BusShelter · 04/11/2015 21:46

That's good to hear it's all sorted and that she has received an offer. We've always found UCAS to be helpful even on results day when they must be inundated with calls. DD went through adjustment this year and was a bit confused about the process as she had been given incorrect advice from the Uni she was 'adjusting' to. A guy a UCAS sorted everything out and seemed to be personally delighted for DD for getting into a better Uni than she had thought possible.

Leeds2 · 04/11/2015 14:33

She was alerted to the mistake by an emailed query from one of the unis, BusShelter. So she responded to that email giving them the correct info, and then spoke to a man at UCAS (who she said was lovely, and ever so helpful!). He said he would amend her UCAS form, but suggested that she emailed the remaining 4 unis direct as well, in case they had already printed off/downloaded etc her application and wouldn't bother looking again at UCAS.

She has since had an offer from the uni that pointed out the mistake!

OP posts:
BusShelter · 04/11/2015 02:55

How did your DD get on?

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 30/10/2015 18:10

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NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 30/10/2015 18:10

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ThatsDissapointing · 18/10/2015 22:46

At least it was noticed now and not in six months time.

One of my DCs PS went out with a spelling mistake in it. Confused I don't know how as it was checked a kazillion times.

Leeds2 · 18/10/2015 22:25

She will phone herself. I didn't know I could be nominated to speak on her behalf ........... I doubt I will be, lol.

I don't think it is too bad a mistake, just frustrating.

OP posts:
ThatsDissapointing · 18/10/2015 21:48

That doesn't sound too bad.

so, yes, call UCAS first thing on Monday. If your DD can't phone then make sure that you are named on her UCAS application as someone who has permission to speak on her behalf.

Leeds2 · 18/10/2015 13:18

It was sent last week.

Daft mistake. Think putting down that you had two further maths GCSEs, instead of maths and further maths.

OP posts:
ThatsDissapointing · 18/10/2015 10:17

HERE is the UCAS guidance about what to do

When did he send off his application?

HildaFlorence · 18/10/2015 08:32

He called UCAS

FannyFanakapan · 17/10/2015 19:31

call UCAS. They will notify the admissions peeps.

DD out the wrong code on her AS levels - made it look like she had done A's already. Nightmare.

Leeds2 · 17/10/2015 19:28

Who did your DS ring, Hilda? UCAS or each of the 5 uni admissions departments?

OP posts:
scatterthenuns · 17/10/2015 14:56

Yeah get DC to ring them. They know what the pressure can be like!


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HildaFlorence · 17/10/2015 14:53

No worries Ds1 got his DOB wrong ! He rang them and then had to scan his passport over and they changed it . They were lovely , clearly very used to stressed teens

Leeds2 · 16/10/2015 21:30


Just opened the third bottle .........

OP posts:
Needmoresleep · 16/10/2015 19:17

No but WineWine

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