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Guest post: "Psoriasis is a living nightmare - but I'm finally confident in my skin"

32 replies

MumsnetGuestPosts · 03/08/2015 15:04

At the age of 13, I developed what initially looked like a bad heat rash. It quickly spread from head to toe and came up as large, red, painful plaques – soon after, I was diagnosed with psoriasis. I have now lived with the condition for over 20 years; the experience has been a living nightmare.

Psoriasis has affected my career, relationships, hobbies, diet and lifestyle. While it hasn't stopped me enjoying my life, I live every day with the knowledge that I'll never be free from it. I've had to accept that it's part of who I am. It is now mostly under control, but I know that it could flare up at any moment, as soon as my current treatment stops working.

Psoriasis isn't just a skin condition; it is actually a disease of the auto-immune system. People often just see the external symptoms, like plaques, and don't realise it can cause other conditions as well. I had just about started living with psoriasis in a more confident way when I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, a type of arthritis associated with psoriasis. Trying to manage both conditions is a struggle.

The psychological impact of living with psoriasis is also hugely underrated. I've been on a long journey coming to terms with living with psoriasis and I now feel confident enough to wear summery clothes and not hide away, but I've not always been like that. I've been in dark places where I'd had enough and felt very depressed, as I didn't have the support I needed. Things got so bad I had suicidal thoughts; I just got to a point where I couldn't cope.

We're all guilty of not discussing the psychological effects of psoriasis enough: sufferers as well as their friends and family. Finding the words to express what I was going through was very hard for me. For many years I'd kept everything to myself, but once I opened up it was like a weight lifted from my shoulders. I was able to have open discussions with family and friends about how I felt and the condition itself. I was surprised by the support I received from everyone. I soon realised they had no idea what I was going through, and were shocked to hear of the severity of the condition. This gave me the motivation I needed to work on raising awareness. Since then I have started a Facebook group and blog. Not only have I been able to help others but this has also helped me. I refuse to suffer in silence any more.

Psoriasis throws up a thousand daily struggles, and these are never more pronounced than in summer. It's my favourite season, but for years it was incredibly difficult to get through. I remember covering up when it was boiling hot, not going on holiday or to the beach. I never learnt to swim; the water was a no-go. The heat would make me feel so uncomfortable – sleepless nights and constant itching were the norm. I remember one night it got so bad, my body felt like it was on fire. I was in tears, covered in psoriasis from head to toe and just couldn't calm it down. Through trial and error I've learnt the trick of putting my pyjamas in the freezer before I put them on – and keeping a spare pair in the freezer in case I need to change in the night.

Unsurprisingly, the phrase "are you summer ready?" means something very different to me. My preparations for summer aren't about bikini shopping or carb-cutting, but about being ready for the sun. The sun causes my psoriasis to flare up, so finding the right protection and using it religiously is incredibly important. Even though I am now confident enough to show my skin, I also make sure I cover up during the hours of strong sun. I wear light, breathable clothing, moisturise two or three times daily (annoying as this is) and make sure I drink plenty of water. So I suppose, yes – I am summer ready.

I now live confidently with psoriasis, but it's been a long journey to get here, and it's made me extremely passionate about people living with psoriasis getting the support that they need.

Anyone living with psoriasis and in need of support should talk to their GP and get referred to a dermatologist - regular treatment reviews are important. QualityCare or the MyPso App are great sources of information, advice and community spirit. You can also find some 'Top Tips' to living well with psoriasis this summer on the QualityCare site that I helped put together along with other psoriasis experts.

OP posts:
MareeBone · 27/04/2019 12:13

I have psoriasis one patch of skin that is dry, scaled, and itches like crazy. I’ve only used dermalmd psoriasis serum a few times but I instantly feel relief and after those few uses, the area if already not as dry as usual. I can’t give long term results yet, but for now, I highly recommend.

BitOutOfPractice · 22/10/2018 21:14

Oh. Old thread. I'd even commented on it 

But as far as I'm concerned it can't be tales about enough.

Greetings to you op and I hope you are well

BitOutOfPractice · 22/10/2018 21:10

Hi op. I just want to applaud your post. Such a misunderstood condition and do little talked about. Thank you for talking about it. I love the pyjamas in the freezer thing  Do you find direct sunlight helps you at all? I know that sweat is a massive irritant to mine though.

And can I also just say the next person who says "it'd be much better if you just stop scratching" gets punched in the head.

Trentstethen · 22/10/2018 10:29

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happydays2017 · 31/03/2017 04:50

My daughter she'd 25 has had severe psoriasis from the age of seven
Her daily 2 hour baths help but over the years she has found Huge drawbacks with most treatments, reliance on Dovobet for example, led to resistance to it and it ultimately becoming worse.
One top tip from her is Body shop ginger shampoo, she used TGel for years and says the Body shop one is far superior for removing plaques on the scalp and it isn't as harsh as t gel

user1490930002 · 31/03/2017 04:19

There are many skin care product available on market. If you need which best for your skin, I suggest you DermalMD Psoriasis Serum.

Lynnie69 · 07/09/2015 08:02

Any advice on getting 14 year old boys involved in activities? My son just wants to watch tv, play on his phone etc!

Lynnie69 · 07/09/2015 07:48

My 14 year old son has been diagnosed with Psoriasis. It's all over his torso, scalp and now coming up on arms, legs and face. He says it isn't bothering him but he has become a bit withdrawn and isn't taking care e.g using moisturisers. I don't want to nag and keep reminding him but need him to put creams on. Any advice?

loise33 · 05/08/2015 08:31

The Psoriasis Association (independent charity) is a good place for info - //

Bettertobehealthy · 04/08/2015 15:18

I wonder if I might add something, hopefully useful, to this discussion.

I see that many people, not all, but many, are helped by UV treatment. As you know Psoriasis is a cell hyperproliferative problem. UV generates Vitamin D in the body , which has anti-hyperproliferative effects, and thus we believe, helps us by regulating the cells, turning them down if you like.

A recent study (2014) in Finland has shown about a 50% reduction in plaques, by intervention with UVB. over the short term. The interesting thing about this study is that they measured the storage form of Vit d , in the blood 25(OH)D3 , and found it increased significantly even though the participants were already on some Vit d oral supplementation. The participants levels rose to what I would call the ancestral level of vitamin d. That is the level humans would have had , for millions of years, as we evolved in Africa. That level is around 120 to 140 nmol/L. Nowadays, in this country , and indeed most of the western hemisphere, our levels are generally about half that. We avoid sunlight, use sunscreen, in fact at our latitude which is 50+ degrees we cannot make vit d in the skin from sunlight between Nov and March, the sunlight is too weak. Reulting in the lowest levels around end of winter , early spring. I note that you have mentioned that that timeframe can be worse for flare ups? for some people.

In the light of this , I wonder if anyone of you has actually measured your vitamin d level, and determined if low levels correlates to your flares. There is a strong suspicion, in my mind , that if you have "normal" i.e. ancestral levels of vitamin d , you would be helped.
It is relatively easy to raise vit d, by supplementation , and it is easy to get your level measured.

We are discussing this and other vit d topics over on another thread, have a look.


thecatsm0ther · 04/08/2015 12:31

I've had psoriasis for about 40 years now! It's not as bad as some have, but it has definitely affected my confidence over the years and contributed towards depression. People look, stare ... Sun doesn't help my skin either. Steroid creams help temporarily until they cause a flare up after too much use.

LineRunner · 04/08/2015 10:59

Bit Yes, stress is a massive trigger for me.

madhairday · 04/08/2015 10:41

Thank you for this post. My 14 yr old dd has had psoriasis since the age of 8 when it came on very suddenly (plaque) - it's so severe they tried cicolsporin and methotrexate with her but they didn't really work well enough to justify any risks toward such a young girl. So it's a daily battle with creams, we find dovobet works the best though I do worry about the amount we use. She doesn't get better in sun, sadly - UV treatment did nothing for her either.

She does have a really good attitude which helps. She doesn't let it get her down and if people make comments she just explains the condition and ignores any nastiness - kids at school were vile at first but have calmed down now due to her not taking it on board. It is hard for her though, especially as you say in summer.

I hate it, it's so horrible and I do worry about the future. Do a lot of psoriasis sufferers get the psoriatic arthritis? :(

BitOutOfPractice · 04/08/2015 09:20

Thank you for that post.

I agree with everything you say although I only have it to a small extent. The misery of a flare up is terrible.

I find that mine is exacerbated by stress too - anyone else find this?

I also experience what I term Psoriasis Rage. It's the feeling I get when someone says "stop scratching". Grin

lutrinae · 04/08/2015 07:51

As a side note I also have a very red face, possibly acne Rosacea, which makes me very self conscious

lutrinae · 04/08/2015 07:47

I've had it since I was 13.
I'm pregnant and breastfeeding (for 2 years) so it's got bad and no idea what I can take for it.
One patch on the back of my hand is v bad due to hand washing - but how to avoid with a toddler and chores to do?
I have to avoid getting hurt as patches spring up on wounds.

TooMuchJD · 04/08/2015 01:39

I too suffer from psoriasis, have done since primary but got considerably worse in my 20's. Mainly manifests as stable plaques on my elbows, knees and scalp but have recently had flare ups of guttate too which have appeared on my face, hands and other areas. This has been more distressing than the stable plaques, which I can generally cover up.
I have hip pain which I have always put down to being born with hip dysplasia but now I'm wondering if its connected to my skin instead.

I worry now that one of my children will develop it Sad

EddieStobbart · 04/08/2015 00:22

Hi, this might sound trivial but the biggest thing for me was discovering Exorex. I have patches of thinned skinned from wrongly using strong steroid creams in my late teens which has put me off anything like that but Exorex works very slowly but effective if I make an effort to using it religiously. Even if I don't it will take the edge off the itching and rawness. I feel much more in control now.

I feel very lucky that I don't have arthritis as I think that is much harder to push to one side though I currently have persistent hip pain. I thought was do to running in poorly fitting trainers but this blog has made me wonder.

My scalp has been 50% covered in plaques for about 25 years so tips for that would be useful. T-Gel is the only shampoo that has any noticeable impact and at least doesn't appear to wreck my hair.

trulyenoughnow · 03/08/2015 23:49

Thanks for raising this issue. I'd like to use this space to add what worked for me. If it helps anyone a tiny bit it'll be worth it. I lived with psoriasis since I was four years old, and it has caused me such lows. I've had so many treatments, and now, at 34 I've been practically spot free for ten years. (Occasional flares with strep throat/tonsilitis but they are minimal) Here's what helped me, though it may not help you at all.....

  • going totally gluten free and low carb.
  • no metal, or metallic finishes worn near the skin, even a button, lurex, bra hook etc, or metallic make up.

-eat daily greens. Spinach, kale, celery. Every day.
  • avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • use sudocrem as daily body moisturiser
  • take 'coral calcium' supplements
  • declutter your environment

- do the thing that gives you the most peace
  • avoid citrus and yeast forming foods
  • go easy on foods that are hard to digest/ fatty/particularly pork products and cheese

-take the best probiotics you can afford
-pay attention to posture and comfort. Yoga/ osteopathy/ comfortable shoes.
Every day, I know I have psoriasis. With the unpredictable nature of psoriasis, living to these 'rules' makes me feel I have a tiny amount of control, however misguided that is.
Meow75 · 03/08/2015 22:34

Yes, red top, I've always compared it with eczema too. Far easier than a full explanation!!

redtop1 · 03/08/2015 21:13

I've had psoriasis since childhood. At school other children did pick up on it and ask what it was. I used to say it was a bit like eczema which seemed to satisfy a lot of children's curiosity and certainly it lost its intrigue as eczema was pretty common.

AcademicOwl · 03/08/2015 20:57

Thank you for posting this... My mother has suffered with psoriasis since she was a child and now has severe psoriatic arthritis. It's amazing the prejudice that other people feel happy to express about a skin condition which they clearly don't understand :( people can be amazingly unkind.

Fortunately, so far I've not had any symptoms, but I know that my DM worries that my children could have... They are still very little, so fingers crossed they won't.

My DM is beautiful to me; no matter what her skin is like :)


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myrtleWilson · 03/08/2015 20:48

I've had psoriasis for years too,it ebbs and flows with me but I did find the uv course of treatment at hospital really effective. Has anyone found coconut oil any use?

harryhausen · 03/08/2015 20:12

I'm 43 and have had psoriasis since I was 13 too. It has affected my life to a certain extent as I'm always aware of covering up arms etc. I've been asked if I've been in a fire and have burns etc. However, it's not affected my work or relationships.

I have most of it on my elbows now and currently a very painful patch on my foot.

My main worry is my Dd. She flared up overnight with guttate psoriasis when she was only 6. I knew what it was immediately and told the GP. I was told it would go away, but I knew it wouldn't. After about 6 trips back and forth to the GP I finally got a referral to a dermatology nurse who then referred dd on to a senior dermatologist at the hospital.

It took nearly 9 months to get to this point. Dd was in agony and by now virtually 85% covered. We were given UV light treatment 3 times a week for 3 months. It completely cleared.

She's now 10, and still suffers but no-where near as bad as when she was 6. Her scalp is the worst and we really struggle with that. The psoriasis still presents as small red plaques. We use Dovabet gel on each spot for a few days until it disappears. Then a new spot appears somewhere else.

We don't use soap, and Dd uses emollient to wash with.

I wish she was as carefree as her friends are with their skin. However, I'm hoping she'll continue on confidently.

If I could ease the pain/soreness/itchyness of her scalp I would be ecstatic. Gp has said there's nothing they can do. We tried everything.

I do feel many GP's don't understand the pain.

Meow75 · 03/08/2015 19:51

More psoriasis here. Had plaques on elbows, scalp mainly since puberty but this year things have taken a turn as I have developed guttate psoriasis on my torso, front and back, and recently had an x-ray on my left hip which was the most painful experience of my life so far (I'm 40 in October).
I was given Dovobet 2 weeks ago which does make a difference to the plaques but it's the hip that concerns me the most. Waiting to see a rheumatologist.

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