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'Reading wall'

3 replies

legoprincess · 07/04/2009 09:45

I have posted this in primary education but thought I would put it here as well in case any of you have experience of using this resource with an able reader.

Does anybody know of, or have a link for, a 'reading wall'? My DS is in Y1 but is reading several years ahead and his teacher has suggested we use a reading wall to encourage him to read books from a wide range of genres. I think the wall has a brick for each genre. The school are meant to be providing us with a copy but we haven't received it yet and was just wondering if any of you can help. Thanks very much.

OP posts:
legoprincess · 21/04/2009 08:14

I posted this in primary education as well, and someone kindly provided a link. Thanks for your replies.

OP posts:
JoBoBaggins · 20/04/2009 23:34

My DS (year 2) was given a Reading Wall last term to encourage him to read more widely. It's basically a picture of a wall with each brick a different genre or type of reading e.g. a comic, a myth or legend, several poems by the same author, a funny book, and instruction leaflet. The idea is to colour in each brick that has been completed. He keeps it in his book bag so can use both school reading books and any material from home to fill it in. It has been very successful in encouraging him to read new things - though very able, reading is not his first choice of activity shall we say!

He is now a 'free reader'when choosing school books, but kept within subject matter that is suitable for a 7 year old - just because he can read anything doen't mean he should read anything!!

Sorry I can't find a link for this, but will keep an eye out.

madwomanintheattic · 07/04/2009 10:02

never heard, sorry. will watch thread though lol.

dd1 started reading the harry potters at that point so she chose her own books to stretch her lol, and ds1 just reads whatever he finds. dd2 too - it's easier for us as we've got a few and so there are books all over the house from every age group lol, and we have stuff on the shelves from when i was a kid... i drew the line at dd2 reading virginia woolf when she was 4 (essays on women's rights lol) and steered her back to cs lewis and horrid henry.

i would say just keep an eye on what the 'free readers' get to choose from at school though - some of the books dd1 brought home were a bit of an eye opener for a 7yo... and it hadn't occurred to the infant teachers that yr 6 books might be slightly different subject matter...
sounds like an interesting idea though.

i think the ort books do follow this to some extent - some of the later levels have different genres once they steer away from the magic key i think. i vaguely remember factual books about buildings, festivals, history, and wildlife and ghost stories... not sure what level this starts though... 10 ish? i think we're about to hit it again (lol) with dd2 having been through it with the other two and escaped out the other side

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