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Gifted and talented

Does your child who is gifted and talented get free dinners?

103 replies

lijaco · 07/11/2008 13:59

Just wondered if any children on here who have the gifted and talented label also are in reciept of free dinners? Just trying to work out if this label is actually a privileged children thing?

OP posts:
Overmydeadbody · 06/06/2009 09:46

DS is a high achiever and labelled as G&T at his school (althouhg I see no actual advantages to this label but that's another story).

He is very clever. He would also be entitled to free school meals if he actually wanted them. As it happens, he prefers a packed lunch so that is what he gets.

I can see what you are tryong to find out, and sadly it is probably true that some very bright children form more disadvantaged backgrounds are not given the stimulation they need form a young age to properly utilise their brightness, and so they don't necessarily show this brightness at school, but a live in the hope that a good teacher could see through this and encourage and help ^all6 children to reach their potential regardless of background.

Overmydeadbody · 06/06/2009 09:49

Having said that, although DS would be entitled to free school dinners now, he certainly doesn't represent children from disadvantaged or poor backgrounds, I just happen to be poor at the moment

pickyminx · 06/06/2009 19:38

my daughter gets free school meals and is highly gifted and talented i do agree that it comes across that highly gifted children are from privaledged backgrounds but not always the case

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