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Gifted and talented

How do you know and does it matter (2yo!)

14 replies

newmumwithquestions · 22/01/2018 22:33

Just wondering how you knew your DC were G&T, if you can tell when they’re really young and if it even matters at such an early age if they are or not.

DD was 2 last month.
She’s just changed nurseries and both nurseries have commented that she’s very bright (I appreciate that’s different to gifted). They’ve both remarked that her speech is very good. She does understand everything I say and is speaking in short (say 6-8 word) sentences.

She counts to 20 easily, can recognise numbers 1-12 (sometimes does 13-20 but with mistakes). She’ll count things up to 10. Can do more with items she physically moves (like buttons) but if it’s pictures on a page then she gets a bit confused which ones she’s counted and double count/misses some. Nursery says she gets the puzzles they give her very quickly and will do ones that 3 year olds can’t typically do. She likes jigsaw puzzles and will do ones up to 36 pieces, but she knows what the ones we have look like so she’s not working them out from scratch - I think she’s remembering how to do them. I just bought her a new 20 piece one and she needed some help to do it the first time, then did it on her own.

She’s not very interested in making marks and her gross motor skills are a bit above average but nothing exceptional.

She will imagine objects like boxes are something else but I’m not sure how much of that is her imagination and how much is her copying her older sister - she definitely copies sometimes.

I tend to think childhood is too short and I have no inclination to push her particularly if I don’t need to. She’s a relaxed and happy child. However as both her nurseries have said something to me I’m wondering if there’s anything I should be doing or avoiding?

OP posts:
PerfectlySymmetricalButtocks · 07/02/2018 21:12

School assessed DD as GAT when she was in year 1.

LolitaLempicka · 07/02/2018 20:37

My daughter was very very advanced at a young age, but now, although still bright, is nothing unusual. My son could barely talk and was slow at picking things up. He is now the most intelligent person I have ever met. (Both adults now) So you really can’t tell. I also only ever wanted them to be happy so didn’t push them.

GreenTulips · 07/02/2018 20:34

She’s not very interested in making marks
I am rubbish at ever getting the paint out

These are very much related - kids need messy play - play doh paint crayons chalks -

They need to stretch and use their fingers as much as possible, get some pegs, beads, hand tools like screw drivers (kids plastic ones) scissors, let her chop paper.

These will all helpbher learn to write when she's ready

Jenala · 07/02/2018 20:32

She sounds like my 2.5 year old with the exception of 36 piece puzzles. I think he's pretty smart but I don't think he's gifted and talented. And you see all the time people on here who had exceptionally forward toddlers who are on a level/slightly above peers now in teen years suggesting it's not necessarily indicative of anything. I think as long your always facilitating the next stage you won't go too wrong.

Nellsbells11 · 07/02/2018 20:27

I don't know if you can at that age to be honest, not with any real certainty. My daughter was always very advanced in everything and is obviously incredibly switched on when you talk to her but she's also dyslexic so academically at 8 , not much to write home about! Her general ability scores are very high though so she is officially in the gifted range just doesn't achieve to that level.

I always thought her brother was a bit behind in comparison. He spoke much later, didn't count or know his colours or do any of the things that made me think DD was bright.He is very mathsy though and looking back there were indications that his none verbal reasoning was good. For instance he'd always be able to work out a way of getting to things he wanted, like biscuits on the top shelf ! He was a climber and irritatingly loved nothing more than taking things apart. He would constantly toddle up to me with toys in pieces ! It was only when he was about 3 or 4 that I stated to realise that he was brilliant with numbers. On his first week in reception his teacher said he was "a fantastic reader" and it was only then that I realised he'd taught himself. That made me feel pretty bad to be honest! I think some of them go under the radar and others probably appear and are very bright but that it doesn't always show from heir school grades.

whosafraidofabigduckfart · 27/01/2018 10:40

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whosafraidofabigduckfart · 26/01/2018 20:40

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JustRichmal · 24/01/2018 08:33

Children can often pick up things like reading and counting at a younger age than they are taught at present. If they are both at about the same level with what they have been taught, why not teach them together? The older dd will probably pick up things quicker, but it easy to adapt games for slightly different levels. Playing shops is a good game for maths and something you can do with both. Getting your older dd to show the younger adding one more will help both.

newmumwithquestions · 24/01/2018 07:31

Thanks all.
It’s interesting hearing about your families!

I’ll just go with the flow then. We’ve got things like Lego, a train set, etc. I am rubbish at ever getting the paint out so I’ll try to get better at that. She loves jigsaw puzzles at the moment so I’ll get some more.

To be honest I think I’m feeling guilty as she gets very little 1:1 time. She picked up numbers because I was starting to teach her older sister and I didn’t realise she was listening until she started coming out with them.
I work part time so she’s in nursery and she tends to get pushed out and bossed around by her older sister a bit at home so I spend a lot more time refereeing and less time playing than I’d like!

OP posts:
user789653241 · 23/01/2018 20:33

My ds was quite advanced from early age, and we just followed his lead.
If he was interested in letters, we got him loads of magnetic letters to play with. Same with numbers, train sets, legos, puzzles.
Educational toys are good. We had lots of second hands from cousin who was 10 years older. Fraction toys, teaching clocks, etc.
We also bought anything I thought he may be interested from charity shops. Especially lots of books. Took him to library every week. Done lots of art works. Do all the things normal children do, like go to the park and forests as much as possible.
If she is interested in something, just follow her lead.

Lima1 · 23/01/2018 16:19

We are in Ireland so no G&T programmes here and DS8 not tested but he would probably be in a G&T programme if we had one as he is way above any of his class academically. DD by contrast is "just" clever and would be classed as "well above average", she is in the top groups of her class.
DD spoke early and had a good 200 words by her 2nd birthday, DS didn't speak until he was 2.3yrs but spoke then was using full sentences.
DS was doing 100 piece puzzles by the time he was 3. DS is very good at picking things up, he doesn't really need repetition. If you show him something once then 9/10 times he will master it. He absorbs lots of information from things going on around him without having to be actually taught.
He is very good at languages, he learns Irish in school and all his teachers have commented about how quickly he learns new words (and doesn't forget them), I'm teaching him Spanish.
He couldn't read before school but was reading fluently within 6 months when other kids were only starting blending.
The main difference between them is that DS is incredibly inquisitive, he wants to know everything you are doing and why. DD will learn because she has to and doesn't really care about discovering new things.
If I'm baking DS was to be involved, he wants to work out measurements, talk about the process and basically ask a million questions. DD is happy to watch TV and come out and lick the bowl when I'm done.

In terms of what you can do, I use everything as a learning opportunity for him. If I'm baking, he measures out the ingredients, I will then ask him what the measurements would be if I doubled the recipe. If I'm driving I tell him my speed and the distance I have to travel and he will work out how long it will take to get there. We look for maths in everyday life, angles, percentages, fractions etc. He loves maths and all my kids are very good at it.
We play lots of card games which are so good for kids.

In all honestly if I were to compare DD and DS at 2 years of age, I would have said it was DD that was more advanced. DS's intelligence didn't become apparent until he was nearer 3.
People would have commented about how advanced DD was when she was younger but with DS the comments were more like "I cant wait to see what he does for a living when he gets older". If comparisons are made between kids people will always comment that you couldn't compare anyone to DS as he is in a different league.
Now he is by no means a genius or properly gifted but he has a super memory, he absorbs lots of info quickly and can use it. He has excellent concentration and was always like that and really its his thirst for knowledge that you don't see in many kids that sets him apart.
Your DD does definitely seem advanced and I would keep up the games with her, talk to her about what you are doing, read to her and get her colouring/painting and playing with play dough.

cornflakegirl · 23/01/2018 08:52

You can't tell at 2 whether a child is starting early or will remain ahead. But encouraging curiosity, creativity and a love of learning will help either way.

JustRichmal · 23/01/2018 08:28

I never wondered if dd was naturally intelligent, I just kept looking at what stage she was at and encouraging her to move to what she could do next. So, for instance, you have taught your dd to count objects. |My next step would be to ask, "if you had 2 buttons and I gave you one more, how many would you have?" You have make it a fun for children so they associate learning with fun.

What age they start talking is largely a measure of how far their vocal chords have developed. As an analogy, a child walking early is not an indication of one day being an Olympic runner.

Whatever you are doing to teach your dd at the moment is obviously working, so just keep moving on with that.

DD is now 14 and still doing well at school.

limitedscreentime · 22/01/2018 22:38

Idk, but my son was massively advanced from an early age (like 8m). He's now 3 and I would say that although he's definitely one of the sharper tools, he doesn't really stand out anymore. When having a conversation with him you'll notice his observations/explanations are good but that's about as remarkable as he gets now.

So personally, I think early years it's more about how good their memory is. True intelligence still to be tested.

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