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Gifted and talented

How does G&T work? Stupid question <ironic>

51 replies

PrincessOfWails · 12/12/2012 11:55

If your child is labelled G&T, is that across all areas or is it limited to certain areas? And then, once labelled, do they keep an eye on them and see if they're doing well across the board or something?

OP posts:
madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 22:40

Ha. iPad hates wechsler. Grin

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 22:42

It is 140 on the welcher test. That is the only test they would do at that age. I was told by the ed psych they don't use any other test until 10.5

madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 22:43

(I sound like a nut. Sorry, I've had a state school turn my kids away, lol, as they couldn't offer appropriate differentiation, so I'm well versed in the vagaries of gifted ed.They didn't offer to statement though. Grin I do have rather an unhealthy interest in how other families in similar circs manage)

madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 22:45

Wechsler? The pre-school one?(WPPSI) Or the one for 6+? (WISC-IV I think?)

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 22:46

That is one of the benefits of the statement. When your child has a statement, you get given priority of a place that will best suit DCs needs. I haven't been turned away from any schools, but going to look around schools, some do make you very uncomfortable and make it clear you will be a burden on the school Hmm

archilles · 13/12/2012 22:47

Arf at wenches test, 140 is most definitely 99.6 not 99.9.

Huge difference. Most likely the highest tested at that age by that tester.

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 22:48

I'm guessing the pre school one as she was 3 when she was tested. I can dig out the reports to look into them if you are interested but she is nearly 5 now so this was 2 years ago and will take a day or so to find the reports

madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 22:54

Oh, god, I know all about statements, like I said up thread dd2 is statemented because she has cerebral palsy. She also happens to be gifted, lol. (Yes, that made a few eyebrows raise in the playground).

I know I sound like a loon - but was it WPPSI or the WISC-IV? I'm not familiar with the WPPSI particularly. 140 on the WISC IV is lower than dd2 tested in yr r though, so am lolling at how much fun I could have had splashing the kid in the wheelchair all over the press. Grin I wouldn't, obv. But it is kinda funny.

Was the statement applied for by nursery? (Am fascinated. When they wanted to get Ds tested at three, and were refused, they just ran him with the yr r kids as it was a foundation stage unit. Had l realised that people were testing kids and getting them statements at 140 it would have saved us one hell of a lot of angst over the intervening years...)

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 23:01

I don't know which one it was I will have a look tomorrow I will dig out the report Grin I didn't realise it would be such a big news story. My dad knows someone who works at the local paper so it was ran as a local interest story. Within a day it was in the national news and we were offered media deals we couldn't turn down. I will probably get flamed for that but it gave DD a large trust fund she can have at 18 that I would never be able to provide for her and she loved every minute of the attention and filming. Most people even at her school don't know she was ever in the media because the story isn't a story anymore it's old. And I don't tell anyone at the school gate because having a bright child doesn't make you or them popular. Very few people in RL know she is any different to her peers

madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 23:01

Oh, whenever, if you find them. I'm just blown away by how this happened for you, seemingly so easily, when there are kids all over the UK in exactly the same position who are being refused even to be tested, until they present with something else that is more problematic... I assume dd didn't have any behavioural or other difficulties associated with her ability? Or not associated?

(Ie, dd2 was only tested because of her cp. ds1 was only tested because of his ADHD/ aspergers type issues. Dd1 was tested when we moved to Canada because within a month they realised she qualified for the regional gifted programme on the basis of her grade work). No one would have offered to test otherwise - even ds1 where the nursery were begging the LA to do it! And obv I'm curious what the difference between ds1 and your dd is - how did she get tested so early, and why wouldn't they test him? If it's just postcode, it's truly mind boggling.)

(I'm over the sour grapes bit Grin just left with fascinated and horrified in equal measure that so may kids in this position are being ignored, and others not! 'twas ever thus.)

archilles · 13/12/2012 23:01

Surely it would be the wppsi at age three? That is very young to test by any standards.

Do the school require re testing at a later date?

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 23:06

No she doesn't present with any additional special needs. She struggles with socialising with people her age, but that's all. Her dad is ADHD and her uncle has aspergers and she doesn't present with any of them traits. I think it was purely luck of the draw being in the right place at the right time. I have a DD2 and she is completely 'normal'. Following what is expected for her age but nothing out of the ordinary

madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 23:07

Oh, I understand re school. In yr r no one could compute that the poor kid in the wheelchair (head tilt, oh bless) was the one their kids were talking about in terms of 'x goes to mrs y's class to get books'. It took until the summer term before anyone was brave enough to ask me if it was true.

GnocchiGnocchiWhosThere · 13/12/2012 23:08

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madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 23:27

Om actual g.

Forget what I said about sour grapes.

Trust fund?

Fecking hell. For a 140?

That is hilarious. I am gobsmacked. It just goes to show that folk will believe anything!! Dd2 has a higher iq and drools!

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 23:35

I don't make a big deal to her about her IQ. If anything I make more of a point to make her feel like a little girl. I buy her more toys and games, don't do any work above what she does at school, don't push her at all. Not one little bit. She is getting all she needs from school and she is happy at school. That's all I care about at this age. We live in a grammar school area so I'm not worried at all from now til 11+ I appreciate she was fortunate live where she does and have the opportunities she does. She is a member of Mensa, but it is a pointless membership as far as I can see they have done nothing but send her a shiny plaque Grin

madwomanintheattic · 13/12/2012 23:44

Oh, same here. Everyone assumes they have been hothoused to within an inch of their lives, but we've never even bothered to learn spellings. Didn't bother to join Mensa as it seemed pointless.

Tbh, we don't make a big deal out of their iq because it isn't a big deal. I might feel differently if they were PG, but in the 140s is too common to bother with, particularly. The only time I dredge it up is if someone is patronising dd2 because they assume she has a learning disability, in which case I do point out they way wide of the mark. I can honestly say that iq in the 140s doesn't feature at all in their lives, even in school... The only time I get into a discussion about gifted needs is if there is a difficulty in school for some reason (for example, because of the difficulties associated with being 2e, like two of mine.) I can honestly say that they aren't special at all, lol, purely because of their iq. Grin

I still can't get over the statement. Which LA? (Pm if you prefer. As I said, we aren't even in the UK, but we lived in Hants, Oxon, Wilts, and Renfrew, and none of them were remotely interested in gifted)

Wallison · 13/12/2012 23:55

I was told my son was gifted and talented in maths and science and every year they tell me that he still is, but they don't seem to be doing much about it. He does all kinds of stuff outside of school - for eg, at the beginning of yr 1 he set out to 'count in patterns' including the usual 12 but also 13, 14, 15 etc up to 20. He also, having seen it in a book, took it upon himself to memorise the periodic table. He can do all sorts of maths calculations in his head - multiplications and divisions of three and four figure numbers etc. and has been able to since he was 5 or so. When I ask him to explain how he does it, I don't really understand his explanation, tbh - he's got his own way of doing things and finds his way around with patterns. He sees colours when he thinks of numbers, and I think that helps.

But, as I say, the school don't seem to be doing that much. They have a 'gifted and talented' scheme for kids who are said to be g&t at sport and they get extra lessons and coaching and whatever but the rest of the g&t kids just get treated the same as everyone else, as far as I can see.

noisytoys · 13/12/2012 23:55

PM'd you. I like the relative anonymity of MN if I write on here where I live it will out me Wink

madwomanintheattic · 14/12/2012 00:21

Ok. Ft 1-1, though? Stunned. Dd2 has a higher iq and cerebral palsy, and got half that. This postcode stuff is truly bizarre!

noisytoys · 14/12/2012 05:41

10 hours 1-1. I think it's because she is in reception where the adult-child ratio is higher and she does some work in year 2 so they do it to make it legal. I would be surprised if she got it as she gets older

lapucelle · 14/12/2012 10:13

My child tested in the high 150s on the Weschler WPPSI test aged 3 (admittedly not in the UK, she was tested by school to see if they could get extra funding for her). She was free reading in nursery in several languages (we are a multilingual household) and was many many years ahead in maths etc. I definitely wouldn't call her a once in a generation child, just one who is bright and was interested in reading, maths etc at a young age.

From discussions with our local authority she wouldn't be offered anything much in a local state school, certainly no 1-1 TA. I am truly astonished that a child would be offered 1-1 support just for lime level reading and year 2 maths in Reception - in our (private, UK) school such levels are certainly not that unusual.


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ibizagirl · 14/12/2012 13:07

Its all a load of rubbish in my opinion and dd has been on g&t since she was about 4 and she is now 13. Nothing happens to be honest. Nothing at all happened in primary and not a lot happens now. Like i said in a previous post, as dd is in set 1 for all her subjects, the whole class is regarded as gifted and talented even though they are not "officially" on g&t. I don't think the work is any different either. They may be chosen to go on a different school trip (as dd was) so only a few may get chosen. The last trip had 8 i think out of the whole year. As long as the child is doing well then what is the point of it?. She was also chosen again this year to light the christmas advent and that is about it but that was through hard work and wearing her uniform well (that is what the head said) and not being g&t.

Wallison · 14/12/2012 13:19

That's been my experience too so far, ibizagirl. They just say 'He's gifted and talented' but that's pretty much it.

If I think about it, it does make me cross because they have brilliant schemes for helping kids that are less able, but kids that find the work too easy are just left to get bored.

ibizagirl · 14/12/2012 13:33

Exactly Wallison. I think it is so unfair on more able children. Dd was left to her own devices at primary school and was getting bored. So she was told to help others when she had finished her work. She even taught one girl to read! There were groups for the less able too but nothing for dd. I was always asking for more challenging work for dd and i was told to look on the internet. Very helpful i'm sure. When i asked about it when dd started high school, the form tutor said that g&t didn't exist any more.

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