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Can anyone recomend an orthodontist in Derbys. Notts or South Yorks?

5 replies

Golda · 12/10/2009 14:23

For an adult. I need braces. Derby or Chesterfield are closest but I could go to Sheffield.


OP posts:
barbarianoftheuniverse · 12/10/2009 20:06

Chesterfield orthodontics, South Place, Chesterfield (sort of at the back of the library and behind the old bowling green). Very nice people and did a good job on ds.

mumof3teens · 12/10/2009 19:36

Yes she was really good. My DS2 had quite a bit of work experience there (he is a dental student now) and said she was really excellent. My DS1 had his two lower middle teeth missing and you would never know it now after she treated him.

Golda · 12/10/2009 19:01

Thanks. Not sure about the dental hospital because I won't be able to get it done on nhs. I will look into Mrs Laughton.

OP posts:
mumof3teens · 12/10/2009 17:15

Our dentists has a great Orthodontist - Mrs Laughton. She is at Trinity dental practice opposite the old DRI in Derby. Did a great job with 2 of my Sons.

Hulababy · 12/10/2009 14:26

Sheffield dental hospital?

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