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Wierd twitching sensation in eye - any idea what it could be?

6 replies

Servalan · 11/10/2009 16:47

I've started getting a wierd twitching sensation in the left hand bottom corner of my left eye. It' seems to be within the eye rather than the eyelid.

My vision isn't affected and it's not particularly uncomfortable, just a bit wierd. I was expecting it to go by now,but I've been feeling the twitch on and off for about 3 weeks.

OP posts:
Servalan · 11/10/2009 17:51

Thanks for the replies folks

OP posts:
lal123 · 11/10/2009 17:21

think it could be whats commonly known as a "twitch"?? Sorry to be no help...

VerityBrulee · 11/10/2009 17:17

I get this too when I'm tired or stressed. My mum is an optitian and says it's nothing to worry about, just tells me to get more rest.

Servalan · 11/10/2009 17:09

I am quite tired - though no more than usual though.

I've been thinking it's probably that, but because it's been going on for a few weeks wondered if I should be taking it more seriously

OP posts:
bigpantywoman · 11/10/2009 16:49

Are you under a lot of stress or tired?

TheOldestCat · 11/10/2009 16:49

Sorry to be no help at all, but I've had this on and off for years. It happens to my right eye when I'm tired (so most of the time these days).

Are you feeling more tired than usual of late?

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