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have a really funny taste in my mouth ???

34 replies

candyfluff · 10/10/2009 16:14

its been like it for a week or so its like a strong ,sour/metallic taste ,i cant see any obvious mouth ulcers ,so just tried a bit of bonjela on the affected cheek ,its only on one side .
any ideas ?

OP posts:
candyfluff · 17/10/2009 09:09

im convinced i have tooth problems as its not been so bad since i started using the mouthwash and the side of face feels the same as when i had a n abcess back in march.
have no idea what tooth is affected and im so scared and poor to go to the dentist - but its not going to go away is it

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candyfluff · 16/10/2009 13:14

well ive been to see the gp and she said there are some sore areas in my mouth on that side and to try some corsodyl mouthwash so im gonna give it a try,if its still bad then to see dentist or gp again.

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candyfluff · 16/10/2009 09:25

bumping for a worry wart

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candyfluff · 16/10/2009 09:16

im getting really worried about this now and have made a gp appointment this morning ,its satrting to feel funny on that side now too,taste is awful.
any ideas ? im thinking the worst as i always do -give me a kick up the bum and tell me not to be so silly

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candyfluff · 15/10/2009 20:48

your not stalking rose - dont worry ,its really bad tonight.

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3littlefrogs · 15/10/2009 19:12

It takes about 2 weeks if it is pine nuts.

candyfluff · 15/10/2009 19:11

not im due on in a few days ,still yucky - is it worth a trip to the doctors????

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RoseBlossoms · 14/10/2009 21:30

why? Are you late now?

My word i'm far too involved now I shall slink away and post no more. As I do sound like stalker looney now!

Hope you get the result you want (and i'm proved right! )

candyfluff · 14/10/2009 21:15

no havent tested
im gonna wait a few more days

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RoseBlossoms · 14/10/2009 20:39

So have you tested???!! C'mon woman desperate net stalker wanting to know!!

candyfluff · 14/10/2009 16:10

well its been over a week and no signs of the gross taste going away

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saramoon · 13/10/2009 20:54

I got this when i was pregnant with both off my dds BUT recently i have been having a weird metallic taste in my mouth a few days before i am due on. Puts the fear of God in me that i have one in the oven again.

TheFoosa · 13/10/2009 08:20

tonsil stones?

candyfluff · 13/10/2009 07:52

am due on so maybe ,havent done a test thought id wait and see !

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busybutterfly · 12/10/2009 23:04

I get this when I'm due on - so it maybe the opposite of being pregnant!!

IdrisTheDragon · 12/10/2009 21:24

Cctually thinking about it, I hadn't been eating much in the way of carbohydrates and after I ate pasta cheese one evening it did start getting better. I think I had googled and found ketosis as one possible reason.

IdrisTheDragon · 12/10/2009 21:22

I had that a few months ago.

I wasn't pregnant .

I do take ADs and have many fillings so maybe it was due to one or other of them. It went away again anyway. Not that that is much help to you but it doesn't necessarily mean pregnancy.

ADragonIs4LifeNotJustHalloween · 12/10/2009 21:17

"pregnant" was my guess too

RoseBlossoms · 12/10/2009 21:15

So to be nosey are we expecting a baby fluff?

candyfluff · 11/10/2009 16:01

you got me thinking im pregnant now - gonna get a cheap test and do one

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candyfluff · 11/10/2009 15:59

do have lots of fillings yes why?

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Prunerz · 11/10/2009 07:00

yy I know, I meant 'another virus'. Rather than herpes, which we all already had as coldsores.
Anyway it was vile, we couldn't eat, everything tasted so awful.


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PumpkinsCantDanceTheTango · 11/10/2009 05:30

Only ever had that when preg or on zopiclone sleeping tabs. So going by my experience if you aint on the tabs then test! But am sure there are more reasons...

RoseBlossoms · 10/10/2009 22:19

I'm really sorry but "sour/metallic taste " was excatly what i had one week before my af due, that never arrived i'm now 22 weeks pregnant. Just IME.

If there is a chance i'd test.

jasper · 10/10/2009 22:19

prunerz herpes is a virus , same one that causes cold sores

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