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General health

inappropriate sinus tachycardia

3 replies

GiraffesAndDucksSayQuack · 29/09/2009 11:43

Anyone even heard of this? Or have been told they have this?

OP posts:
lucykate · 30/09/2009 23:16

i have a condition called supraventricular tachycardia (svt) which is similar. except it's caused by an extra nerve which i was born with. it's not serious, and doesn't cause too many problems nowadays. my top speed is 200 beats per minute.

aliasdictus · 30/09/2009 22:50

Sinus Tachycardia just means a faster heart rate. It occurs when you exercise or when you are scared or angry or hurt or anxious or feverish etc etc etc. Occasionally it even occurs without any identifiable cause hence termed 'inappropriate' by the doctor who is stuck for what to call it. It is MOST unlikely to be anything serious, you have about a hundred thousand heart beats a day to get through so using up the odd few inappropriately is not going to make a big difference.

catrionasmum · 30/09/2009 11:18

not heard of it- try
a;ways helpful and can find out info for you if need be

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