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DD has got a sprained ankle......bloody trampoline!

2 replies

aristocat · 13/09/2009 23:15

DD has sprained her ankle on saturday and it is very swollen and she cant walk.

it has not broken (have had xray at A&E) but is huge and starting to bruise.
she is only 5yo and feeling very sorry for herself, keeping her off school tomorrow and hopefully it will be ok soon.

any idea how long it might take to get better?

OP posts:
aristocat · 15/09/2009 12:33

thanks fidelma she's gone to school today.
not able to walk very well yet and am just relieved she didn't break it.

OP posts:
fidelma · 14/09/2009 19:08

Not sure how long it will take to heal but the treatment that you give it during the first 48 hours can make a huge difference. Ice it with frozen peas.Wrapped in a towel so she does not get an ice burn.I would get her to school it will keep her occupied and she will love the attention

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