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Chronic diahorrea at 35 weeks pregnant - any experience/advice - feel desperate

2 replies

MrsPuddleduck · 09/09/2009 20:09

I have had this now for three days. Yesterday I couldn't even hold in water so went to GP today. Was told to try and eat plain solids eg toast, biscuits as had previously been sipping water for for 2 days as aparently I need the nutrients.

I now feel worse than ever and the stomach cramps are excruciating. I have only eaten 3 rich tea biscuits, one slice of dry toast and half a jelly.

Has anyone had this or does anyone have any advice??

OP posts:
MoonTheLoon · 10/09/2009 14:02

Are you sure you're not in labour? That's not meant to be patronising btw!

coffeeanybody · 09/09/2009 22:07

Yes I've had it too, nasty experience, call your dr, and take rehidration sachetts

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