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General health

I had a check up at the hospital this morning and I am having twinges of agony

9 replies

FabBakerGirlIsBack · 05/08/2009 16:40

When will they stop?

I had 2 internals and then the doctor tried to take a biopsy from my womb lining but the pain was unbearable so I have to have a GA soon and a proper check. I am also bleeding more that she expected too.

OP posts:
FabBakerGirlIsBack · 05/08/2009 19:23

I didn't know that.

Hope it goes okay.

OP posts:
giraffesCantCatchSwineFlu · 05/08/2009 19:13

Och Im ok. Just tired and stressed (op tomorrow)

FabBakerGirlIsBack · 05/08/2009 18:30

Thank you giraffe.

How are you feeling/ Did you start your own thread?

OP posts:
giraffesCantCatchSwineFlu · 05/08/2009 18:25
FabBakerGirlIsBack · 05/08/2009 18:24

She said she thought I would be okay as I had had children.

I am just resting and MNting and DH will do all the jobs. Luckily the kids are at his parents for the day and night.

OP posts:
belgo · 05/08/2009 17:51

Don't feel stupid - it's not your fault!

Hope you feel better soon.

FabBakerGirlIsBack · 05/08/2009 17:07

Thank you.

I felt so stupid that it hurt so much.

OP posts:
belgo · 05/08/2009 16:44

Can you phone the ward back for reassurance and advice regarding painkillers?

I'm sure all is fine, but it's best that the nurses and doctors who treated you give you that reassurance.

cocolepew · 05/08/2009 16:42

Take some painkillers, have a warm bath and try to rest.

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