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Can allergies develop suddenly when there has been none before?

11 replies

WigWamBam · 23/05/2005 18:34

I've just had some strawberries and I'm wheezing away, my mouth and throat are itching and swelling up. I've taken some Piriton and the swelling has stopped, but I'm still wheezing, although it's not getting any worse. I've been eating them for 40-odd years with no ill effects; could it really be the strawberries?

OP posts:
WigWamBam · 23/05/2005 18:56

Oh crikey, I hope it stops with strawberries because I don't know what I'd do without fruit!

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swiperfox · 23/05/2005 18:55

Hello! Was just about to mention you and your organic apples

hunkermunker · 23/05/2005 18:54

Yes. I'm also an oral allergy syndrome sufferer (hi Swiper - always meet you on the allergic to fruit threads!). Allergic to apples, peaches, plums and cherries. Very very cross making - I love them all! Can eat them cooked though

WigWamBam · 23/05/2005 18:44

I washed them, yes.

OP posts:
Whizzz · 23/05/2005 18:42

Yes you can get a sudden severe allergic reaction. Did you wash them first ? Just wondering if there was anything sprayed on them ??

WigWamBam · 23/05/2005 18:41

I don't think there was anything on the strawberries, dd had some at the same time and she's fine. I think it must be me

OP posts:
swiperfox · 23/05/2005 18:41

I can eat them washed and with cream on! Only strawberries though. I can't eat apples (but can drink pure apple juice) plums, pears, anything like that are no go and it's horrid - I crave fruit! Only started about 5 years ago.

I sometimes wonder if it's something that they've been sprayed/treated with

Doddle · 23/05/2005 18:40

My Dad developed a severe allergy to strawberries out of the blue in his early 50's, he can't go anywhere near them now.

SoupDragon · 23/05/2005 18:38

It could be. Or there was something on the strawberries.

WigWamBam · 23/05/2005 18:37

You mean you can eat them with cream but not on their own? That's odd.

I don't want to have to stop eating strawberries because I adore them, but this is horrible and I'd rather not have to put up with it again!

OP posts:
swiperfox · 23/05/2005 18:36

Definately. I had the same thing all of a sudden with apples and haven't been able to eat them since - along with some other fruits - strawberries included (unless they've got cream on?!?!?)

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