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General health

Saw consultant about breast pain today

5 replies

Blossomhill · 23/05/2005 14:57

He examined my breasts and said he couldn't feel anything at all. My breasts are lumpy but he said not in the way a cancerous lump is. So although I have been given the prelimenary all-clear I am still having a scan in a couple of weeks just to double check.
So for now all seems positive

OP posts:
hermykne · 23/05/2005 15:33

glad to hear alls well

Evesmama · 23/05/2005 15:00

thats good honey
and even better to know you will get another check from the scan to put it all to rest

SaintGeorge · 23/05/2005 14:59

Excellent news BH but good that they are going to be thorough and do a scan.

Just need Badger to check in now with good news from the GP.

MarsLady · 23/05/2005 14:59

Pleased to hear it!

jessicasmummy · 23/05/2005 14:57

good to hear - u must be relieved x

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