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General health

Itchy nostrils driving me berserk! Allergy or something else?

4 replies

Tortoise · 22/07/2009 12:33

I have had itchy nostrils inside for about a week whcih coincides with me having a migraine and being sick about a week ago.
I have been putting it down to hayfever until i realised last night that this may have started just after i had a migraine and was sick.

Have taken Piriton and no difference. So, allergy or linked to being sick somehow?

OP posts:
Wallace · 22/07/2009 21:08

I had this for a couple of days - it really felt like there was something up there irritating them

Weirdly it turned into swine flu a rotten cold with a horrible sore throat.

Tortoise · 22/07/2009 20:49


OP posts:
Tortoise · 22/07/2009 12:56

Thanks, how long should piriton take? Taken it for a few days now.

OP posts:
VinegarTits · 22/07/2009 12:36


but im not quack, i think you need to continue to take piriton for a while, if its an allergy it wont miraculously stop by taking one piriton tab

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