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General health

Anyone had a laparotomy with a vertical (midline) incision? Can I ask something?

30 replies

Marthasmama · 18/06/2009 18:18

I am due to have a laparotomy in a month's time and have been told I will probably require a midline incision. I am having a very large ovarian cyst removed (it measures as a 28 week pregnancy!). I have been told that I will need a five day stay in hospital and then it will take 8 weeks to recover in full. I am due to go on holiday two weeks after the op. Where due to be going to Dorset to stay in a cottage and, most importantly, visit a lovely MNer from our postnatal thread. I am not planning on running on the beach or horse riding up hills while away so will be able to totally relax. If anyone has any experience of this op, will I be able to go or will I be totally bed bound?


OP posts:
Sidge · 19/06/2009 16:28

MarthasMama sorry I didn't reply to your 20:49 post last night - it wasn't there when I was posting last night but has appeared today! Freaky. Mind you MN kept crashing on me last night so maybe it was that.

Anyway, re pregnancy the best person to ask is the person doing your op as it may depend on where they cut you and how. Even though a wound can look healed on top remember that all the many layers of muscle underneath will have been cut, torn and stitched so will be weakened. It can take months to fully heal. I imagine they will recommend you avoid pregnancy for some time, possibly at least a year assuming no post-op complications.

It will be difficult and I think people do underestimate how much it knocks the stuffing out of them, even if they were fit and well. Take painkillers regularly - don't wait for pain as then you're playing catch up and will feel crap. Pain also delays healing as well as making you feel rotten. Eat and drink well - lots of zinc, vitamins C and E and protein all promote healing. Arnica can reduce bruising and swelling and soluble fibre will keep you pooing (told you I am poo obsessed!). Fluids are vital so lots of water.

Cuddling the children is possible if they can be next to you, lying down. Avoid having them on your lap (obviously) and keeping a pillow across your tummy helps to prevent little elbows digging into you.

Hope all goes well

Marthasmama · 19/06/2009 18:36

Thank you Sidge and everyone. A year would be perfect. I will have to set up some sort of timer system to remind me to take painkillers as I terrible for trying to power through without them! I must say I am not looking forward to it.

I'll stock up on those supplements for post surgery. Is there anything I can do/take pre-op to help my recovery?

OP posts:
Honeymoonmummy · 19/06/2009 22:23


Marthasmama · 19/06/2009 22:25

Hello Hmm, yes, fun and games eh?!

OP posts:
AuntieMaggie · 20/06/2009 11:02

Try to keep your chin up Martha - I know it's hard but sometimes you just have to go with the medical advice given to you for your own mental and emotional health.

I don't like taking tablets when I don't think I need them either, and setting a timer and making a note of what you take at what time is a good idea as it can be confusing to keep up. Perhaps your DH can help with that?

I wonder, does the amount of time you're under GA have an effect on the depression after effects? I was under for about 7 hours and have to say that I was very down after. I didn't want to go home, even though it was xmas, and cried all the time. My depression lasted for months. Although as a result of coming off the pill I also ended up suffering severe PCOS so that didn't help.

Just another thought Martha - make sure you are happy with the tablets they give you to go home with. I had some problems with pain while I was in hospital, and had just got it under control with tramadol but they weren't going to give me any to go home with. In the end they gave me a weeks worth and told me to see my GP if I needed any more. Apparently they were worried I'd become addicted, though my GP scoffed at this suggestion and prescribed me more. I ended up taking them for months to manage the pain for PCOS and was fine!

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