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lets talk skin tags!

54 replies

candyfluff · 04/06/2009 19:47

ok so i have 4 under each armpit and i want them gone
so now does the cotton thing work?
have any of you tried it
what happens
and is it safe??

OP posts:
MsBrandybuck · 06/06/2009 13:48

I had one removed from the side of my face by my GP practice nurse. She used dental floss and it hurt but only when it was tied. I have lots more that I am meant to be going back to get removed but will wait until I'm not pregnant as they are getting much bigger and new ones appearing so I'm worried about regrowth.

The worst one is now absolutely huge - well feels huge but I haven't yet had the guts to look at it as it would involve mirrors. Had it checked to make sure it was a skin tag when I had my smear done. I was rather embarrassed to be told by the nurse that they tend to appear where there is a lot of friction .

captainpeacock · 06/06/2009 14:13

I had a lot of these whilst I was pregnant. GP said to snip them off which I did but it hurt a lot and bled a lot. I tried to do the cotton thing but as they were on my neck it wasn't a good look, plus I couldn't get the cotton tight enough. In the end I twisted them off, it is a bit uncomfortable, but I twist them once or twice a day and eventually the blood supply is cut off and they fall off. It is the best thing that has worked for me and have just started doing it again as some have returned after 13 years.

cheshirekitty · 06/06/2009 15:13

I had 4 - 2 on each of my eyelids. Had them burnt off (injection first).

I had a biggie on my neck. Got rid of it by using silver nitrate. Never even left a scar.

VoodooApocalypse · 12/06/2009 20:02

ok so two tiny weeny ones fell off after about 4 days of being tied.

the bigger one I tied is now more sore, but has not changed. the smaller ones went darker first.

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