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Please Help Me Get rid of seriously at the end of my tether

40 replies

astonished · 14/04/2005 19:16

My dd twins have had nits on and off now since February, just cannot seem to get rid of the blighters. Am doing everything right, treating whole family, informing school etc, have evn had their pretty curls cut shorter. Treated them on Friday with aromatherapy stuff, again on Sunday with Lyclear am combing constantly and have now just found some more. Wouldn't mind if some of them weren't such monsters, really quite big. Am really loosing the plot now it is making me that frustrated and probably a bit obsessed. HELP

Just one more thing how do you get rid of the eggs??? They just go through the comb, have bought three different types now, am itching now !!

OP posts:
BubblesDeVere · 14/04/2005 19:36

It is an absolute nightmare for dd2, she has quite long curly hair and has a very sensitive scalp due to having dermatitis. It breaks my heart when she is crying and asking if I have finished doing her hair.

bundle · 14/04/2005 19:37

boots' own conditioner is 42p for a big bottle and i just put a few drops of teatree into it in my hand

Blossomhill · 14/04/2005 19:38

Oh and there hair is so lovely and soft the next day after using oil

debs26 · 14/04/2005 19:38

i comb thru every day if i can be bothered. wouldnt bother searching for eggs, if you comb often enough you will catch the lice after they hatch but before they can breed. problem is that you might get rid of them one day and the next day a friend passes on a louse that is ready to lay eggs straight away and then you are back at square one. dont think there is an easy answer tbh and i have given up using fullmarks after combing a load of live lice out of kids hair straight after using it! bleurggghh

RTMTMML · 14/04/2005 19:39

even cheaper in tescos. Guess how bottles I have? lol

Surfermum · 14/04/2005 19:39

Asda's is something like 30p!

bundle · 14/04/2005 19:40
Blossomhill · 14/04/2005 19:42

If you have a Savers near you they do a shampoo and a conditioner by Dr Johnsons. It is £1.50 a bottle and has tea tree and neem oil in it. It actually kills the lice too.
I have tried the nitty gritty and am not over impressed.
You can see how often my kids get them can't you

Easy · 14/04/2005 19:48

We seem to have won (for the time being), by combing every other night with teatree conditioner over a period of about 6 weeks. It is annoying to everyone, and gets you down, but I don't think there is any other way.

IMHO the electronic zapper is just a waste of £20, it doesn't do anything that ordinary wet combing doesn't do.

you have my sympathy. when ds went back to school after Chrismas he had them 3 times in 5 weeks and I was at my wits end. It must be worse with 2 of them.
BTW I have also been on to the school nurse and persuaded her to work on the school head to promote a bug-busting day. Raise awareness if possible with the parents who don't give a damn.
Oh, and tell your children not to sit with their head touching anyone else's, otherwise no matter what you do, if the other parent doesn't, you'll get them back.

Best of luck, and sympathies

astonished · 14/04/2005 19:50

Don't have a savers but will look for the Dr Johnsons stuff anyway, am writing all this down!!My lovely mum just went into Boots and the lady behind the counter told her that she wouldn't sell her anything as they had it so long and advised going to the Dr's now being nagged by mum to do this but not actually I can go for this would feel abit of a wally!

OP posts:
astonished · 14/04/2005 19:52

Thanks Easy, have tried talking to other parents but they just say their kid hasn't got/had them, feel like saying, do you want a bet!!???

OP posts:
tiddlypom · 14/04/2005 23:51

We found it helpful that the electronic comb 'tells' you when you hit a nit, by stopping.

We also played a game of seeing what each family member's score of nits would be - of course dd with long hair always won.

I also quite liked the essential oil products that you rub into the hair, then cover the hair with a shower cap for a couple of hours.

Incidentally my sister is a HV and told me I'd never beat them without chemicals, so of course I had to make sure I did!!!!

MamaMaiasaura · 15/04/2005 00:09

My mum cut my big sisters hair off after she had them for the fourth time.. it was blonde but grew back brown. She has never forgiven my mum

rummum · 15/04/2005 13:25

I brought my nit comb from the pet shop.... honest. I didn't tell the chap it was for us though.. it cost about 99p, and has teeth both sides... it hard plastic, and is absolutely brilliant, the eggs come out easily with conditioner.

pootlepod · 15/04/2005 13:45

You have my sympathies..

Another place to try is bug busting the kit has a number of combs, an excellent info leaflet and stickers etc. I ordered one and it came the next day but I've also seen in in my independent chemist.

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