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General health

What's your fail safe hangover cure?

31 replies

PuppyDrunky · 22/12/2008 14:50

Mine is a pint of water before bed, more if you can manage it.

Then in the morning coca cola and white bread toast. It works!

Also no red wine and no rum in the first place.

OP posts:
ThingOne · 30/12/2008 22:36

Well, these days I normally follow the not getting pissed option but I have had a great remedy recommended to me by my chemotherapy nurses. Domperidone, which is the first anti-emetic they offer is also sold over the counter as motillum. I went to a wedding in the summer and drank my five years plus of near abstinence in one night. I thought I was heading for disaster but the domperidone, apple juice and croissants did a fine job . And being outside, of course. Definitely agree with that one.

isittooearlyforgin · 30/12/2008 22:39

full nights sleep..oh! i forgot, thats no longer an option!

sallystrawberry · 30/12/2008 23:55

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sid8 · 17/05/2013 11:23

There are different hangover cures. Some people prefer water while other go for some other things like heavy meal or hot and cold shower but all these cures are good to get rid of hangover..

jellybeans · 17/05/2013 11:27


Eskino · 17/05/2013 11:29

A stiff gin

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