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Health Visitor - do I have to have one?

9 replies

pollybee · 14/03/2005 18:37

I have never been a great fan of health visitors in general, and mine in particular, but she has seriously betrayed my trust and I would prefer it if I never saw her again.

I am very upset after every visit, and she was coming round loads as she had decided my baby was failing to thrive, and I was depressed. Neither are true. She forced me to go to the GP, and I collected the prescriptions for antidepressants for 3 months, without ever taking them.

I now want to be able to enjoy my baby (my last) without her constant scrutiny.

Does anyone know whether it's compulsory to have a health visitor? Would it put everyone's back up if I asked to be taken off her books? TBH I have never learned anything ffom a hv that I didn't already know, or had already found out from another source. But I recognise they are important to some people.

OP posts:
Amanda3266 · 14/03/2005 19:13

No probs Twiglett . I can take all the anti - HV stuff. I work with the buggers and know how crap some of them are.

alterego · 14/03/2005 19:12

In our area when your child is born you opt to sign him/her up for GP services and/or Child Health services (ie HVs). You are not compelled to sign up for them as far as I know and could presumably opt out if you changed your mind. Equally you can refuse them entry to your house - although I suppose you might end up with social services on your back if they were really worried.

Is is possible for you to ask for a different hv rather than "ban" them altogether? I assume you're happy with your GP.

Twiglett · 14/03/2005 19:11

that's a winning smile by the way

Twiglett · 14/03/2005 19:10

no offence, Mandy .. you have always seemed really nice (despite intense provocation from anti-HV sentiment on Mumsnet)

Twiglett · 14/03/2005 19:10

I have seen a HV twice for DD: first when she took over from midwife, then at 8 month check

I refuse to see them after being let down by an HV when DS was a baby .. they don't know I'm not seeing them to be honest, I just don't do baby clinics or anything like that

pollybee · 14/03/2005 19:05

Fascinating article - thanks guys!

OP posts:
Amanda3266 · 14/03/2005 19:03

Should also add that if you ring your local Primary Care Trust (number should be in the phone book) you can ask for one of the modern matrons for community - they will oversee the HVs and if you feel you need to have one she/he will be able to sort out a change.


Amanda3266 · 14/03/2005 19:00

Hi pollybee,

No you do not have to have a health visitor - I can recommend the article quoted below too. Some of them are hideous and if she's not going to contribute anything useful then don't have her. It sounds as though you've had a dreadful time - HVs are supposed to offer support - if she's not doing that then don't have her. It won't put anyone's back up apart from hers possibly but that's not your problem.

I am a HV too and have several women on my books who don't wish to see my childless and rather abrupt colleague. She knows she can be abrupt so just shrugs when someone else says "I'd rather have someone else".

Don't worry about it - you're not obliged to see her.


littlemissbossy · 14/03/2005 18:42

As far as I am aware, they have no legal right to see you. Interesting article on this website entitled Health Visitor or Health Police?
I know how you feel BTW, hated my health visitor, just used to smile sweetly and ignore whatever she said

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