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General health

Info on ear infections please

37 replies

HappyMumof2 · 03/03/2005 14:31

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Marina · 11/03/2005 16:38

Gosh, Soapbox, that hadn't occurred to me (no history of dairy allergy in our family). Did your ds not have other symptoms such as colic or abdominal discomfort though?
HM2, you can buy it off the internet, or through health-food shops. It is quite pricy I believe (we just stoked ds up on Teetha and used the Boot's Childrens' toothpaste with the croc on the tube as it has xylitol in it).

soapbox · 11/03/2005 16:49

Marina - not that I ever noticed

DD whi is the elder of the two, had severe dairy allergy - tried to feed her a bottle of formula at 8 weeks old and spent the whole night in A&E with vomiting, limp baby!

DS seemed fine on the other hand. Never crossed my mind

Funnily enough it was the first thing that the homeopath suggested. He never actually got as far as needing any homeopathic remedies it all cleared up so quickly!

You can have the York tests done (you send of a hair sample and they allergy test from that) they cost about £50 IIRC.

HappyMumof2 · 11/03/2005 16:50

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soapbox · 11/03/2005 16:57

Hmof2 - ha!!!

Well that is quite telling. They apparently crave the things that they are allergic to. My DS will still go mad for cheese, if he sees it around (nightmare at parties)!

My DS doesn't eat meat - doesn't like animal meat - so don't force him. He will eat fish though. He's a strapping boy, very tall for his age and never ill

I give them calcium tablets when I remember! You can't buy them for children but I just give them half the adult dose (homeopath recommendation again)!

Baked beans and white bread are calcium enriched as are certain breakfast cereals. Any stalky veg is good for calcium - carrots, parsnips, brocolli, cauliflower etc. Nuts and sesame seeds and tahini good source also.

Apparently in many cultures children do not have dairy after they are weaned, so it is possible to cope without it. You do have to work harder at it

I think in your situation I would do it for 2 or 3 weeks just to see if it is the problem. Once you know then you can make the judgement as to what to do for the best

HappyMumof2 · 11/03/2005 16:59

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HappyMumof2 · 11/03/2005 17:00

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soapbox · 11/03/2005 22:22

Soya or rice milk??

Wysol formula???


Juice[even bigger shock

Prufrock · 12/03/2005 14:50

Marina and HMo2, have you thought of taking them to see a homeopath. Recurent ear infections in children are an area where homepathic medicine can really help.
Bundle posted a really good link about antibiotics and ear infections in my recent thread

HappyMumof2 · 12/03/2005 19:53

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HappyMumof2 · 13/03/2005 15:46

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Aimsmum · 13/03/2005 15:59

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HappyMumof2 · 13/03/2005 16:10

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