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General health

DENPLAN anyone?

3 replies

Gunnerbean · 22/09/2008 20:31

My dentist, who I'd been going to for about 20 years, has recently retired so I'm left looking for another reputable one.

The one I think I'm going to go for only takes patients under the Denplan scheme and despite having looked at the Denplan website, I can't seem to make head nor tail of how it all works, or how much it's likely to cost.

I'm aware that it'll depend on the dentist making some sort of assessment of my teeth but can anyone give me a rough idea of how much it costs them per month and what they get for their money?

Also do children have to go under Denplan too or can they still be treated on the NHS by a Denplan dentist?

OP posts:
quietlifeplease · 24/09/2008 17:26

We would rather do HSA (has eyes, teeth, hospital stays inlcluded too) You just need to make sure that you get one with enough cover. Found this better value.......

Gunnerbean · 23/09/2008 18:48

Thanks for that LizS, that's very helpful.

Anymore for anymore...?

OP posts:
LIZS · 22/09/2008 21:25

We pay about £45 per month for 2 adults ad 2 kids (after the new NHS contracts a couple of years back we had to move them too) Kids are about £8 each and we're about £18 then a discount is applied. Can't remember the category I fall into but I have 2 root fillings which weight me into a higher one than otherwise. Kids' categories are based on age. Included are the usual check ups, fillings, xrays, trips to hygienist (3 or 4 a year) and fissure sealants for the kids plus worldwide emergency cover

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