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General health

Can I do a (hard) circuits class the same day I have my Mirena coil fitted?

10 replies

luckymummy74 · 18/09/2008 18:57

Just that really.....

OP posts:
luckymummy74 · 18/09/2008 20:28

Thanks ladies. I will follow all advice and get a large box of maltesers and a bottle of red wine in !!!!

OP posts:
brightwell · 18/09/2008 20:02

A definate no, I felt rough after having my first one fitted, had mild labour like pains. When I had my 2nd one fitted I was told not to do anything too strenuous for a couple of days.(whatever that means)

BBBee · 18/09/2008 19:59

no - go home and have glass of wine

ClareVoiant · 18/09/2008 19:58

maybe its changed since i had mine done (about 9 years ago) but i was in agony for a good week after. went back to the hospital twice or them to check they'd got it in right!

forkhandles · 18/09/2008 19:53

I've just had one fitted and felt fine afterwards, maybe a tiny bit of period like pain. But I don't think I would plan to do anything hard work just in case

squeaver · 18/09/2008 19:49

No, but I wish she had! Maybe I could have got them on the NHS

luckymummy74 · 18/09/2008 19:11

ahhh yes, sorry, should have made that clear, I meant afterwards. Coil appt 2pm (first timer) and circuits 7pm.

I'm guessig that's a no then.

Squeaver did your GP also recommend a large box of maltesers whilst sitting on the sofa with feet up?!! .

OP posts:
squeaver · 18/09/2008 19:03

Definitely not after. I made the mistake of going into work on the tube, ignoring my GP's advice to go home and put my feet up.

LynetteScavo · 18/09/2008 19:00

If you mean after you have it fitted, I wouldn't. Before will be fine aslong as you have a shower.

I was quite woozy and uncomfortable afterwards, and was glad I wasn't going back to work.

norksinmywaistband · 18/09/2008 19:00

before yes, but i wouldn't after

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