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General health

I'm pregnant, DS has a temperature and a rash - when should I worry?

9 replies

TheProvincialLady · 18/09/2008 17:02

My GP must be the only one in the country that still has an early closing day so I can't contact him.

DS has had a cold for a few days and yesterday took a turn for the worse with a cough that made him sick (phlegm, sorry TMI) and a temperature. Today he has started to get a rash on his chest and his temp is 38 under armpit (I didn't measure it yesterday).

I am 26 weeks pregnant. Do I need to worry about the rash? What signs should I be looking out for, both for him and for me? I'd appreciate it if anyone can advise because in my experience NHS direct will tell me to call an ambulance

OP posts:
ajm200 · 19/09/2008 08:12

Glad it isn't anything serious. Hope he's better soon.

TheProvincialLady · 18/09/2008 20:49

He thought it was a viral rash but to keep an eye on it. I suspect tonight may be the worst of it as DS temperature is higher even with the calpol. Poor mite, he is so cheerful with it! Thanks for asking

OP posts:
ajm200 · 18/09/2008 20:36

how did you get on?

TheProvincialLady · 18/09/2008 17:33

Yes I will go and get some now and ask the pharmacist for more advice whilst I am at it.

OP posts:
ajm200 · 18/09/2008 17:32

Quite possible. It does make the skin warm so add that to a temperature and you might get a topical rash. The warmth is quite comforting but might be a bit much for such young skin.

Can you use karvol caps on a hankie nearby instead?

TheProvincialLady · 18/09/2008 17:30

That's great thanks both, I will take your advice. I also wonder on reflection whether the rash is caused by all the vick's vaporub I have been putting on his chest

OP posts:
ajm200 · 18/09/2008 17:27

Get your local pharmacist to take a look. They can be very good.

DS is about the same age and gets a rash whenever he gets a temperature so the advice to lower his temperature is good.

NatalieJaneIsPregnantAgain · 18/09/2008 17:25

TBH the rash is most likely to be a reaction to the temp. 38 isn't too high, but I take it you've given him Ibuprofen/calpol?

There seems to be a lot of viral infections going around at the moment.

If you are happy that the rash isn't anything sinister then just carry on with the Ibuprofen/calpol and make sure he is drinking plenty.

Hope he feels better soon.

TheProvincialLady · 18/09/2008 17:22

Oh yes, DS is just 2 by the way.

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