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General health

Lymphoma - boosting immune system

11 replies

WigWamBam · 31/01/2005 17:07

My dad is being treated for Lymphoma, and begins chemotherapy this week. His immune system already is very low, and he has been warned that any infection could be dangerous to him. Does anyone know how he can help to boost his immune system?

OP posts:
Swilt · 04/02/2005 09:11

I remember reading once that vitamin c tablets might help during chemo, but I think you had to have fairly big doses for it to have much impact.

WigWamBam · 03/02/2005 23:25

Thanks - from a pharmacy or a health-food shop?

OP posts:
Polgara2 · 03/02/2005 23:17

just seen this - mil swore that Biostrath liquid helped fil when he had chemo.

WigWamBam · 31/01/2005 17:42

Thank you all ever so much. I had a look at the bacup site when he was first diagnosed with cancer in October, I shall have to go back and refresh my memory again.

OP posts:
Gobbledigook · 31/01/2005 17:31

Sorry, when I say colours I mean the fruit and veg! Yellow peppers, tomatoes, spinach....

Gobbledigook · 31/01/2005 17:30

When my boyfriend had Hodgkins I distinctly remember me ploughing him with all green veg - spinach, broccoli, the lot - I can't remember now but someone must have told us that.

Just logically I would say, yes, keep visitors to a minimum to reduce risk of infection, make sure he rests loads and doesn't try doing jobs etc and eat as much fruit and veg as possible and a variety of colours.

Hope all goes well for him WWB.

happymerryberries · 31/01/2005 17:27

When dh had his chemo he was also warned to avoid large gatherings of people, to reduce the chance of him getting an infection.

Hope that things go well. Have you had a look on the Bacup website btw, a very good source of info?

MancMum · 31/01/2005 17:22

sorry - had to stop there befor eI had finished - i have loads fo books on this - will look stuff up later but dark green veg and citrus are the main things.. also some nuts are good... and lean meat and fish..

really hope he is OK with it all as it is very draining - good luck...

CountessDracula · 31/01/2005 17:18

He could try juicing as he may well not feel like eating. There are all sorts of delicious juices you can make with a fairly cheap machine that are v good for you

Best of luck to him xx

WigWamBam · 31/01/2005 17:14

Thanks, mancmum, I'll have a look.

OP posts:
MancMum · 31/01/2005 17:14

according to news this morning = citrus fuits are best for this ...have a look on

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