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Is this chicken pox????????

10 replies

Slink · 23/12/2004 19:46

Hi me from the rash on the palm thread. Well creams have aggravated the palms and she is iching like mad and now balls of her feet. Is this chicken pox??? Bloody pharmasitst..

OP posts:
Slink · 24/12/2004 12:32

Nope it a allegy towards my furtniture polish... got her some meds today she is better. thanks to all merry xmas xxx

OP posts:
ItllBeLonelymumThisChristmas · 23/12/2004 20:36

No it doesn't sound like chicken pox to me, or hand foot and mouth if she doesn't feel ill.

Slink · 23/12/2004 19:56

Thanks for the info popsical, read it she definatley not off food, asked for seconds today and eats well. no fever but is is itching.
Thanks anyway think it may be drop in nhs tomorrow as she is sleeping now, she doesn't seem distressed by it either.

Lockets if she has it pop over will have to cancel plans for xmas.

OP posts:
popsycal · 23/12/2004 19:53

it is usually really mild but can be accompanied by high temps etc

popsycal · 23/12/2004 19:51

second time lucky??]

popsycal · 23/12/2004 19:51
popsycal · 23/12/2004 19:50

ds had it but didnt get any in his mouth...and i think they come in stages anyway so mouth might be last

nothing to do with hygiene - so dont worry!
will see if i can find some more is really really common in small children btw

lockets · 23/12/2004 19:49

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Slink · 23/12/2004 19:49

No spots around the mouth or bottom, but how do you get that i wash her when she goes to the loo??

OP posts:
popsycal · 23/12/2004 19:48

hand foot and mouth>????

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