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General health

Very urgently need a dentist but none will take us on!! What do we do?

9 replies

zephyrcat · 25/11/2004 10:11

Dp got kicked in the face trying to stop someone beating up his friend quite a few years ago. He lost one tooth at the front and now the other one is on the verge of falling out and giving him quite a bit of pain. We have lived in our area for two years and have been unable to find an NHS dentist and are now getting a bit desperate - anyone know what we can do?

OP posts:
zephyrcat · 25/11/2004 10:32

excellent! THink i found one - that was so easy! Amillion times esaier than getting some irate receptionist telling me that they 'only accept private'
dp will be chuffed!! Thank you!

OP posts:
ZolaPola · 25/11/2004 10:24

go to
search for local dentist, key in your postcode and will show all dentists in yr area including those open to nhs patients.

zephyrcat · 25/11/2004 10:24

i wish we were! we're kind of in the middle of nowhere so we would have to get one in the nearest big town

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jellyhead · 25/11/2004 10:23

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zephyrcat · 25/11/2004 10:23

thanks for your help guys will give them a call

OP posts:
zephyrcat · 25/11/2004 10:19

not as far as i know but will definately have a look - i'm not very knowledgable when it comes to dentists - they terrify me and havent been for a very long time! But cant bear the thought of a dp with no front teeth bless him!!!

OP posts:
jellyhead · 25/11/2004 10:18

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coppertop · 25/11/2004 10:17

Do you have a Dental Walk-In centre near you (similar to the usual NHS walk-in centres but this one is specifically for emergency dental treatment)?

pedilia · 25/11/2004 10:13

ring the health authority they are olbliged to find you a dentist !

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