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General health

Sleep apnea - what to do?

4 replies

Feefour · 18/06/2022 09:15

I’m being treated for borderline high blood pressure and anaemia at the moment, and this has only come to light in the last month. I’ve also started to worry about sleep apnea as well, as I know this can lead to high blood pressure. I know that I snore, but I don’t think I gasp for air etc (I’ve listened to recordings and it always sounds very steady). I get very anxious about my Fitbit oxygen variation graph, which has begun to show one or two little peaks a night, meaning oxygen variation is high at those times. It was always fine and low before.

I know I can be a bit obsessive about worrying about health things though. I am really worried about discussing this with the doctor because of what I’ve read about losing my driving license. I really wouldn’t be able to get to work, so I’d lose my job. There’s no way I’d make it on public transport. And what if I go on a long waiting list to have it investigated? Will I not be able to drive for months on end. I’m not excessively sleepy, although I am tired because of the anaemia.

I'm overweight but currently trying to lose it - I’ve lost 8lbs so far, but it’s a start. Can I just keep losing weight and hope it goes back to normal? I really don’t know what to do.

OP posts:
AnnaMagnani · 18/06/2022 09:24

Lose weight. I used to be able to hear myself snoring while I was awake Blush

Lost the weight, the snoring has gone.

DVLA are happy about sleep apnoea as long as you are being treated - once diagnosed you need to be using your CPAP. Otherwise they are very much not happy at all.

pixels123 · 18/06/2022 09:22

My DH has sleep apnea, he's never been told he can't drive.
He's overweight, loosing it slowly, high blood pressure which is medicated and uses a cpap machine now. The plan is to loose weight and ditch the machine eventually.
Do you wake up at night with your heart racing?
Sleep apnea can be really bad, go see your doctor.

Trixiefirecracker · 18/06/2022 09:21

Get rid of your Fitbit oxygen tracker for starters. Sounds like all this monitoring isn’t helping. No one I know has lost their license because of sleep apnea! But losing weight snd exercising will help. Try to sleep on your side.

BorderlineHappy · 18/06/2022 09:18

I would get it investigated.
I have sleep apnea,I have a machine and the difference it's made is unbelievable.

I don't know about driving but it's worth a chat to your doctor and get the ball rolling
Good luck.

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