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BCG advice please

12 replies

Gobbledigook · 20/11/2004 10:20

Just wondered if anyone 'in the know' could advise on this -

DS3 (12 wks) is booked to have his second lot of jabs on Tuesday (5in1 and Men C) and his BCG on Wednesday.

Just wondering if the BCG on top will be too much? I know I can't delay the BCG as it's supposed to be done by 12 weeks. Can you leave a 5 week gap between the other ones rather than 4 so I could have his BCG next week and his 5in1/MenC the week after?


OP posts:
Gobbledigook · 20/11/2004 15:40

Oh no - Lorax!! I've not emailed you back either - see my post to Strawberry! I feel terrible as being hopeless with emails! Do want to meet up but just really snowed at the minute!

BTW - dh is taking ds1 and ds2 to see the lights being switched on in Alt this pm. Switch on at 4.30pm if you are interested! He's just going to take them in the double buggy to see them go on and then walk up the main street so they can see them all! Think they'll love it just cos it's dark!

When he's gone out I promise I'll do my email replies

OP posts:
Lorax · 20/11/2004 15:35

I was told to wait 2 weeks between the BCG and the multiple jab - but guess that was just my GP (who would also only give MMR as separate jabs....)

Gobbledigook · 20/11/2004 15:35


OP posts:
Gobbledigook · 20/11/2004 15:34

Oh I see what you were saying now MarsLady!! Thanks!

Thanks Strawberry - so sorry, yes I've got it but I'm absolutely snowed with work at the moment - got loads of outstanding mails . Because I'm looking after the kids full time and working in the evenings and weekends, once I get work in I can barely do anything else! Will go and reply now!!

Thanks everyone, feel better about it now - was thinking about cancelling one of them but looks like ds3 will be OK

OP posts:
strawberry · 20/11/2004 14:57

Hi Gobbledigook. PDF attached with BCG details from DoH. Seems to be the norm to have with 5in1. Or perhaps check out the manufacturers SmPC? HTH

Did you get my CAT message yet?

MarsLady · 20/11/2004 14:52

DD2 had her bcg and first jabs on the same day. With the way that the bcg is now it doesn't matter if you have them a day apart as the virus won't be active for about 3 months. hth

Gobbledigook · 20/11/2004 14:47

But is it OK to have it done the day after all his other baby jabs?

Yes, ds1 and ds2 had their BCG at about 3 wks old but now they don't do it routinely in our area so I had to request it and that's why it's a bit later. HV told me it had to be done by 12 weeks otherwise they would then wait till 14!!! Want it done now so I know all 3 ds's are covered.

Just worried about it being right after his DTPetc.

OP posts:
MarsLady · 20/11/2004 14:33

yes it's the tb one. It depends where you live. In some areas they give it in the hospital because of the higher risk in areas where tb is re-ocurring

janeybops · 20/11/2004 14:21

Is bcg the TB one? If so both of mine were done when less than 24 hours old before we left hospital

MarsLady · 20/11/2004 14:13

also, apparently the bcg can be done later. I made sure to book it in but the way that the whole thing has changed apparently I could have waited longer.

MarsLady · 20/11/2004 14:12

The BCG jab has changed. They inject the babe but apparently it doesn't take effect for about 3 months. You have to be careful not to knock the site etc. Had the dts done when they were about 12 weeks. So don't worry. hth

Gobbledigook · 20/11/2004 14:04


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