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General health

any one else had a heart operation

8 replies

fostermum · 15/11/2004 18:59

i had a triple bypass and valve replacement 3 weeks ago just wondered if anyone else got any experience of this sort of thing

OP posts:
fostermum · 16/11/2004 17:55

thanks for that skiingmum, i will get there just take a bit of time

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skiingmummy · 16/11/2004 13:08

I had a heart op 28yrs ago when I was 4 to repair a faulty valve and a hole. I still go for checkups now as the valve still leaks and am constantly amazed at the advances in technology from when I used to go as a child. They can do so much more and have so much better equipment now!!

BTW I'm 30 wks pg with no 2 so it hasn't stopped me from having a 'normal' life!

I've got loads of 'zipper' friends, the majority of whom have had bypass ops and you really wouldn't know it to look at them that they'd had major heart surgery.

to you for a speedy recovery.

fostermum · 16/11/2004 12:59

fair enough misdee, yes i have a follow up appointment as i have to have a medical before i can resume fostering, a few weeks brake from it has seemed like a year

OP posts:
misdee · 16/11/2004 11:13

i bet you are. just take things slowly is the best advice i can give you. do u have aftercare appointments set up? the man i talk about isnt my real grandad, but is more of a grandad to me than my grandad.

fostermum · 16/11/2004 10:49

sorry to hear about your kinda grandad misdee, im just very sore

OP posts:
misdee · 15/11/2004 20:29

my kinda grandad has had a fair few ops on his heart. he isnt doing too well atm, bit worried about him, he is getting very tired.

dh is waiting to hear about heart transplant. got check up next month.

Wallace · 15/11/2004 20:23

How are you getting on? Dd had a heart operation but I think kids recover far more quickly than adults. A friend's dad had an op and said he was in a lot of pain for weeks, and had to rest for weeks. Dd was up and running around 3 days after her surgery!

beachyhead · 15/11/2004 19:08

That's pretty serious - no experience but thought I would bump for you

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