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General health


2 replies

nolovelost · 10/12/2020 07:15

Are there any GPs on here or anyone that has been through the same?

I banged my head 7 weeks ago, causing me to go to A&E. They did lots of tests but didn't need to scan me. Outcome was that I was suffering with concussion and could go home.

Thing is, I'm still getting headaches every day and nothing seems to shift them. Feel a bit concerned although apparently it's quite normal to suffer for so long afterwards.

Anyone on here been through similar?


OP posts:
nolovelost · 10/12/2020 13:02

Thanks @Ginfordinner we're seeing the GP later today.

OP posts:
Ginfordinner · 10/12/2020 07:17

This needs following up. Please contact your GP.

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