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General health

Does anyone go to a chiropractor?? (sp!)

7 replies

kitsandbits · 02/10/2007 11:11

My backs messed up since havingthe boys.

and i constantly feel i need it 'cracked'

i get my DP to do it (i know i shouldnt) and i always have to lie flat on the floor and twist myself in various postions to crack it myself

same with my neck.

but it always feels lke it needs doing again.

would a chiropractor sort this? or would i have to go regularly??

OP posts:
kitsandbits · 02/10/2007 11:42

Thanks for the advise.

Does anyone know the going rates for a seesion with a chiropracter/osteopath/ massuse?

OP posts:
VeronicaMars · 02/10/2007 11:39

The good thing about massage is it's the only way to get rid of certain toxins that build up in your system over the years.
It's always very discreet, you lying down and covered up, you won't have to move until they are finished.

Carmenere · 02/10/2007 11:31

You could try an osteopath either, they do similar things. They tend just to see you once or twice, chiropractors tend to sign you up for quite a lot of treatments.
DP is an osteopath so I am biased.

ScaryScaryNight · 02/10/2007 11:29

oh god, you wouldnt be topless.

ScaryScaryNight · 02/10/2007 11:29

I go to a chiropractor regularly. NOT the same as going for a massage, though he does a little bit of that too. Mostly he is manipulating the joints back in place. He works miracles.

In the beginning he would have me come twice a week, then once a week, and now I just go now and then when I feel like it. You will not be hooked and have to go all the time for ever.
Good luck, it is soooo worth it.

kitsandbits · 02/10/2007 11:26

Hmmm never thoguht of that.

Never had a massage - am a bit about them.

Woulsnt want to be topless, lol

OP posts:
VeronicaMars · 02/10/2007 11:19

Hi Kit you could go and get a deep tissue massage. It would work wonders for your back. All those knots that are causing discomfort can only be massaged away, it's like a form of detox.

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