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General health

Heel cracks

27 replies

ALWwoods · 08/06/2020 21:53

Has anyone ever suffered from these? I had what looked like deep cracks in my heels. So I exfoliated them, but perhaps too much as now the cracks are open and bleeding. Every time I walk I leave spots of blood behind.
Plasters won’t stick, I’ve put on chapped heel cream about 8 times today.
How do I make them heal?
Every time I walk on them they split open again.

OP posts:
wowfudge · 09/06/2020 09:49

I bought Flexitol Heel Balm on eBay from a UK seller with 100% positive feedback. This was a few weeks ago when Boots et al had so much traffic to their websites you couldn't get on.

ALWwoods · 09/06/2020 10:10

Just got the heel balm from amazon. Think it was like £3.50 so I’ll give it a go!

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