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General health

Sore throat for 2 months

20 replies

aleto · 28/04/2020 21:35

I've had a sore throat for 2 months now. It started in early March along with achy limbs. I then developed a dry cough and had some chest pain and breathlessness. Assumed it was a virus and possibly Corona so self isolated. The cough went after a week the breathlessness took a little longer. But it was all gone by the end of March apart from the sore throat. It's mainly sore at the back of my mouth/top of the throat and the roof of my mouth. I contacted my GP 3 weeks ago and was given a 10 day course of antibiotics. These haven't helped so they've now referred me to ENT although the doctor said this could take ages as obviously they are currently very busy!.
I'm getting increasingly anxious and swing between thinking it's something simple and thinking I've got cancer. Today a couple of sores have appeared on my tongue so now I'm freaking out even more!
Anyone ever experienced or heard of a sore throat that went on for so long?

OP posts:
aleto · 21/08/2023 22:35

Hi, I don't take Gaviscon Advance anymore, just Omeprazole. I'd say it started working very quickly, possibly within days. I feel so much better! I can still feel an occasional minor reaction but that will be because I've had a coffee or a curry which I know are bad for my system but I can't completely give them up :-)

OP posts:
Ritz3012 · 21/08/2023 21:29

PoloNeckKnickers · 28/04/2020 22:01

I had a sore throat for several weeks which antibiotics didn't touch. The ENT bloke said it was reflux and I was put on omeprazole and gaviscon which sorted it out.

How long did you have to take Omeprazole and Gaviscon advance?

Ritz3012 · 21/08/2023 21:06

aleto · 21/08/2023 19:34

Hi, I had been fairly clear until about 4 months ago, then started having lots of flare ups. I saw the gp and I'm now on Omeprazole which has helped settle everything down again.

How long did you have to take Omeprazole for the symptoms to disappear?
Did you also take Gaviscon advance with Omeprazole?

aleto · 21/08/2023 19:34

Hi, I had been fairly clear until about 4 months ago, then started having lots of flare ups. I saw the gp and I'm now on Omeprazole which has helped settle everything down again.

OP posts:
Ritz3012 · 19/08/2023 15:29

aleto · 18/04/2023 22:17

Hi, after about 4 months I was diagnosed with Silent reflux and Geographical tongue. Gaviscon Advance keeps my Silent Reflux under control and my tongue has mostly settled down with the odd flare up if I eat something too salty or spicy.
Have you contacted your gp?

I’ve recently been diagnosed with silent reflux and prescribed Gaviscon

how long did it take for your symptoms to disappear? Are you completely off medicines now?

insomniac1 · 19/04/2023 19:02

Oh wow. The body is a weird and wonderful thing!!

aleto · 19/04/2023 08:40

No, only an incredibly sore throat. I also had very dry nasal passages which is apparently caused by the acid fumes travelling up into your nose!

OP posts:
insomniac1 · 18/04/2023 22:34

Did you have heartburn as well as a sore throat OP?

insomniac1 · 18/04/2023 22:19

Thank you OP. I'll make a doctors appointment.

aleto · 18/04/2023 22:17

Hi, after about 4 months I was diagnosed with Silent reflux and Geographical tongue. Gaviscon Advance keeps my Silent Reflux under control and my tongue has mostly settled down with the odd flare up if I eat something too salty or spicy.
Have you contacted your gp?

OP posts:
insomniac1 · 18/04/2023 22:09

Hi OP how are you now? I'm going through the same

Zombiemum1946 · 30/04/2020 15:58

That's great news.

aleto · 30/04/2020 15:11

Thank you, I've started taking Gaviscon Advance and my ENT appointment has come through already which I'm very relieved about.

OP posts:
Zombiemum1946 · 30/04/2020 02:50

Most importantly tell the gp about the sores on your tongue (could be thrush following antibiotics). Silent reflux is a big cause of throat pain, and can cause a persistent cough or aggravate an already sore throat and things like lifestyle changes (food and sleep position) can make a big difference. The effects of the changes you make may take 3 months to make a difference so you need to be patient. Gaviscon/Gaviscon advance can help. If it helps great, but regardless, go to the ent app.

gluteustothemaximus · 29/04/2020 15:18

I suffered with tonsilitis constantly as a teen. Try Difflam throat spray.

aleto · 29/04/2020 14:46

Thank you, I will try your suggestions.

I don't drink every day, maybe 3 times a week and then only small amounts. I eat fairly early (6 o'clock) but I will go to the pharmacy and get some medicine and give it a try.

OP posts:
sadie9 · 29/04/2020 10:53

Try over the counter omeprazole for a couple of weeks. And/or Gaviscon at night. It could well be acid reflux.
Do you take any other medications? Do you drink alcohol every day or do you tend to eat late at night?
Did you take an antihistamine like Cetrine and see if that makes it go away or reduce. Worth a try.

PoloNeckKnickers · 28/04/2020 22:01

I had a sore throat for several weeks which antibiotics didn't touch. The ENT bloke said it was reflux and I was put on omeprazole and gaviscon which sorted it out.

aleto · 28/04/2020 21:45

Sorry, I should have said that the GP did swabs and they came back negative, no infection which I guess rules out strep throat?

OP posts:
gluteustothemaximus · 28/04/2020 21:37

I had a sore throat for about 3-6 months, it was strep throat. Too a long course of strong AB's for it to go. Felt like crap for ages though.

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