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General health

Constipation in 3 month old

6 replies

vole3 · 15/09/2007 17:18

DS is exclusively breastfed and has up until now had at least 2 dirty nappies a day, and squelchy ones at that.
He now hasn't had a poo since Wednesday, but seems happy, is feeding well and we have had plenty of wet nappies. I've tried some gently tummy massage that is meant to help things along, but no results yet.
How long should I leave it before getting (more) worried?

OP posts:
Neverenough · 16/09/2007 14:03

Well there you are then!
Glad it's resolved so quickly vole3

vole3 · 16/09/2007 13:54

Vesuvius erupted at 13.45.
Smelled like something had crawled up there and died, but DS now has big grin on his face after being a whingy litle b**ger all morning. Obviously feels relieved to have a weight off his mind

OP posts:
moondog · 15/09/2007 23:03

He won't be constipated.
Breastfed babies aren't.
It will come,believe me,it will come.

Neverenough · 15/09/2007 23:01

lol! Bet he poops tomorrow vole3 and you won't know what's hit you! I remember one occasion when it was like Vesuvius erupting , with DD just giggling at me on her change mat!

vole3 · 15/09/2007 20:18

Yep, he is passing wind. Poor thing may well have inherited his Grandads' nickname of 'Bournemouth Gasworks'

OP posts:
Neverenough · 15/09/2007 17:33

I probably wouldn't worry yet vole3 as long as he is happy, feeding well and passing wind.Whilst most BF babies poo little and often, some don't.
You could always ask your GP to check his tummy if you are worried enough.

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