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General health

Nerve conduction test

5 replies

Buttons4me · 23/04/2020 17:17

Since the 4th April I've had pain, shooting pains, pins and needles, tingling, numbness in my hands, wrist, fingers, feet and toes. On the 3rd April my son challenged me to a game of thumb war which I believe has damaged my nerves. I'm in so much pain and my daughter is helping with housework as I can't do much at all. I've had blood tests which were normal. My gp will refer me for a nerve conduction test but this could take a while as they are not taking referrals at the moment. I've been watching videos on you tube of nerve conduction tests and even though I'm desperate for help it looks horrendous. I expect I will struggle. Has anyone had one done? Has anyone got nerve pain and recommendations on what to take? Things to avoid?

OP posts:
PastMyBestBeforeDate · 23/04/2020 18:21

It was uncomfortable once or twice but not that bad and fine for most of it.

WorkingItOutAsIGo · 23/04/2020 18:18

I honestly don’t believe a game of thumb war could cause this kind of damage. Either it’s just a coincidence or it’s a short term thing that will settle down. Nerve conduction studies are fine so don’t worry about that but in the meantime you need to help your nerves to calm down. Can you download some mediation and relaxation sessions and see if you can begin to get your mind to calm your nerves?

NZlife · 23/04/2020 18:12

I've had nerve conduction tests to get a diagnosis for cubital tunnel. I wouldn't say it was painful, uncomfortable and incredibly odd but definitely bearable! Good luck :)

Buttons4me · 23/04/2020 17:24

Thankyou for the reply. I will try not to worry too much about it.

OP posts:
Addler · 23/04/2020 17:22

I've had nerve conduction tests on my hands, they weren't painful at all. They just attached some wires and when they ran the current through each of my fingers twitched individually without me controlling it. They found out I have carpal tunnel in both hands from it.

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