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General health

Lymph node lump

4 replies

Foreverblowingbubbles1 · 12/01/2020 16:01

Hi, feeling a wee bit worried so would appreciate any advice. Woke up yesterday morning with a bit of a sore throat, thought nothing of it, this morning I've woken with sore throat (worse) headache and my right ear feels full of pressure. I've found a lump where the lymph node is beside my ear (preauricular lymph node) and I'm now over thinking! I have been extra tired and run down, my skin has broken out really badly.
Any ideas? The lump is around the size of a pea, hard and tender to touch. I'm 26, don't smoke or drink, could probably lose a bit of weight but apart from that I'm quite healthy.

OP posts:
aNonnyMouse1511 · 13/01/2020 21:32

I have two enlarged glands in my neck. One has been there nearly 20 years. The other about 6 months. They don’t always go back down but always get them checked x

Foreverblowingbubbles1 · 13/01/2020 21:28

@aNonnyMouse1511 thank you for your reply! I've been to the docs and been prescribed antibiotics for an ear infection! To go back if the gland doesn't go back down after a week. Xx

OP posts:
aNonnyMouse1511 · 13/01/2020 20:41

The enlarged lymph node will be in response to whatever infection you have going on - don’t worry. It’ll disappear again when you’re better x

Foreverblowingbubbles1 · 12/01/2020 20:38

Bump to see if anybody can advice

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