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General health

24 hr blood pressure monitor

46 replies

purpleme12 · 02/01/2020 10:54

I've been to doctors about other things twice within the space of a few weeks. They took my blood pressure which was high apparently. It doesn't worry me as I get very nervous at the doctor's and also I've never liked the blood pressure thing. That makes me nervous too.

Anyway they recommended the 24 hr blood pressure monitor just to check. I'm wearing it now but every time it goes off I get nervous and my heart starts beating faster. And I'm really aware of it so can't fully relax so how can this be accurate?
So far whenever it's gone off it's done it twice which I think means it's having trouble getting a reading?
I hate it

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purpleme12 · 03/01/2020 18:40

Well the nurse practitioner called me. Said it is high and that based on this she would like me to have some tablets.
Although she did seem to think it might be due to me not liking the blood pressure thing. Funny really cos I got used to it in the way that I wasn't nervous in anticipation of it going off but when it did go off it was awful and yes my heart went faster then cos it was absolutely awful. She said she'd advise me to get my own automatic blood pressure thing to check it myself every now and then. Although I don't have money for this.

So I picked up the prescription she said they were capsules but small ones. I can't swallow tablets I'm sure I won't be able to swallow them. Haven't got them yet as chemist is closed.

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Becca19962014 · 03/01/2020 19:28

Can you find a cheap automatic blood pressure monitor? Look around chemists locally to see if you can find one.

I wouldn't take the medication "just in case" ; if you were getting worked up and finding the test painful as you can end up with low blood pressure and fainting - that's what happened to me after I was put on them because mine goes high - the idiot dr ignored the lows and I ended up in hospital because of the tablets, despite them being a very low dose they made me very ill.

purpleme12 · 03/01/2020 19:35

But how do you know?
She didn't say anything about lows she just said it was high. I think she might be right (?) purely because every single time it inflated twice (sometimes 3 times) which is either because it had trouble getting a reading or it was high. Anyway this is all purely guesswork from me of course. It's just something else to worry about! But yes i also can't think 100 per cent what to think as she seemed to be saying it could be me being nervous and yes it was painful

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Cillmantain · 03/01/2020 19:42

I would imagine your blood pressure is elevated.
It would not be raised at every measurement for no reason.
Please ignore people telling you not to take the medication
Untreated high blood pressure is serious and can damage your organs.
Could you start the meds and get reviewed by your gp in about 2 weeks
Maybe your pharmacy could check it in the mealtime
Not sure how you will get over swallowing the capsules

Becca19962014 · 03/01/2020 19:45

I don't really know to be honest. That time the dr just assumed it would sort everything out (!) and it didn't. I stopped taking the med on the advice of the a&e Dr and checked it periodically throughout the day on my own machine.

It might be the case that yours in high all the time so it won't effect you like it did me, I just mentioned it as you said you had issues when it was inflating getting worried etc which can give a false high readings.

I'm sorry if this isn't helpful to you. I didn't mean to confuse you, just offering my experience.

purpleme12 · 03/01/2020 19:47

No me neither I did tell her she said they're small. Well doctors have told me that before and I haven't thought they're small.
I said I'd try them but I've never been and to do capsules. At least I don't have to pay for prescriptions as that would be wasted money.
But the irony is if I think about the tablets that makes me nervous about doing it! 🙈
I'm probably coming across this ridiculous anxious person here but I don't think I am on the whole! There are certain things that make me anxious!

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cudbywestrangers · 03/01/2020 19:55

Capsules are easier to swallow if you toolkit your chin slightly down (counter intuitive!) And if you find it tricky, Google the squeezy bottle technique. Basically use a plastic drink bottle for the water to wash the capsules down and keep your lips around it as you swallow... it helps your throat relax so they go down easily

purpleme12 · 03/01/2020 19:57

I will bear this in mind
I have tried suggestions before though to no avail. I sicked a tablet up once when I was trying.
We'll see anyway I told her I'd try so I should try

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Becca19962014 · 03/01/2020 20:00

If you feel dizzy or unwell then ask for advice. I'm simply mentioning my experience so you're aware. The OP can obviously make their own decision.

Low blood pressure can be serious too; hence being hospitalised because of the tablets I was put on. It's well known that being in pain/nervous can raise it artificially and they did suggest the op bought a monitor.

Becca19962014 · 03/01/2020 20:00

Hopefully it'll help you and you can manage taking them.
Good luck.

purpleme12 · 03/01/2020 20:01

Thank you everyone for your replies

I've looked at the pictures and I don't think I'm going to be able to swallow them
What is annoying me now is it says that medicine is available in liquid form but she didn't prescribe that!

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purpleme12 · 03/01/2020 20:06

Just one reason I hate going to the doctors they don't seem to listen

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Becca19962014 · 03/01/2020 20:14

The liquid form is probably for people with very specific needs, unfortunately. Try, I know you don't think you can but give it a go anyway so you can say you did try, and then ask if you can have the liquid form.

cudbywestrangers · 03/01/2020 20:26

Liquid is usually expensive, foul tasting and has a short shelf life so often doctors would prefer to stick to tanley's and capsules. Some capsules can be opened and the contents mixed with water or soft food. You could ask a pharmacist. The bottle swallowing technique is good for preventing the retchibg and gagging though if you can master it. You can also practice with small sweets! Tictacs might be about right

purpleme12 · 21/01/2020 09:07

I don't think I want to continue on these tablets. I can hear my heartbeat when I'm resting doing nothing mainly at night before sleeping and in the morning. And I don't think I did before? I don't feel very 'awake' and ready for the day when I get up.
I'm only taking them cos the doctor suggested it

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Dodie66 · 21/01/2020 09:28

I have the same problem. Blood pressure high at the docs so I bought a monitor to use at home. The only problem being every time I go to use it I panic and that sends my heart raving and my blood pressure up and it’s really painful using it too. I’ve give up trying to do it now

purpleme12 · 21/01/2020 12:12

Mmm that's interesting. Perhaps it's more common than we think?
It's impossible to know what it's like normally isn't it

Feel like I've had enough really

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BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 21/01/2020 12:29

If you don't feel that those tablets agree with you then there are others you could try. When I started taking bp medication one of the tablets made my ankles swell and another type make me foggy during the day, I think the third or fourth type that I tried was the one that lowered my bp without making me feel any different.

In the meantime you can get quite reasonably priced personal use bp devices, they just go over your wrist. If you check regularly at home and it's low then you can keep a record and let your GP know. Allowing uncontrolled high blood pressure to continue will probably cause issues in the future.

purpleme12 · 21/01/2020 12:37

I think she said to me one time that the arm ones are the ones to get. And that it needs to be automatic. I've avoided getting one at home cos of price and also I think I'll get nervous with it anyway and I guess I think there's nothing wrong with me. I'm not in those 'high risk' groups you read about.
I'm just annoyed. And annoyed that they take blood tests and tribe urine tests cos of the medicine and my blood test has come back borderline apparently so it now needs doing again with me drinking lots of water before. But that's happened before with me being borderline but there's nothing wrong.

OP posts:
Becca19962014 · 21/01/2020 13:26

Yes it needs to be an arm one, not wrist.

purpleme12 · 31/01/2020 20:32

They tested my urine (as routine apparently because I'm on these tablets) and apparently it's come back as abnormal so I need to make an appointment at the doctor's. Bit worried about this. I don't know what this could mean??

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