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General health

Copper coil (non-hormonal)

8 replies

PersonalClown · 27/08/2007 14:36

Does anyone have one of the these fitted?
I'm due to have one fitted in a few weeks and wanted to know how it affected everyone.
I can't have the hormones as they trigger migranes now (after tears of the pill/patch)
How much can I expect my periods to change?
Will I get more/worse PMT? etc

Thanks all.

OP posts:
grouchyoscar · 27/08/2007 15:24

Had one for 4 years after DS was born (using the withdrawal/rhythmn method before and what do you call people who use those?.....yep.....Parents

It's never been a problem, the insertion was very straightforwards, like a smear. Just relax and think of somewhere nice.

My periods have been pretty regular (they have been a bit erratic recently but I've put that down to stress etc etc) A bit heavier but I was heavy to start with.

No PMT, No weight gain and no panic if you forget a tablet or having to ask if and other meds affect it.

Just check the strings once a month to make sure it's still there.

I wouldn't switch to anything else

PersonalClown · 27/08/2007 14:58

I'm taking my iPod with me!!

OP posts:
BBBee · 27/08/2007 14:57

insertion was no where near as bad as I thought. Deep breaths and think of the seaside!

orangina · 27/08/2007 14:56

I've had a coil fitted (copper, non hormone...) after the birth of our ds (who was conceived whilst I was using the persona machine as contraceptive...!). It's been great so far, no problems having it fitted (had it done a couple of months after ds was born, everything still pretty stretched etc, didn't feel a thing), periods slightly heavier and last for slightly longer. Slightly crampier too. Haven't noticed any change in PMT, don't think I ever really suffered from it before tbh. Would so far recommend it, expecially over the hormone coil; a few friends of mine who had that fitted said it really affected their moods, made them feel down etc. Agree with runnyhabbit, take paracetamol before it's fitted.

PersonalClown · 27/08/2007 14:54

I'm all for giving it a go. I just wanted to be prepared!
My doc told me to take ibuprofen before and then co-codamol afterwards if the pain was bad! I love my doc.
My periods are currently very light. One day of 'normal' bleeding and 3 days of spotting. I can usually get away with a large pantyliner on those days.
I guess I can always have it taken out if it doesn't work out.
Thanks ladies.

OP posts:
BBBee · 27/08/2007 14:48

that 'suck it and see' bit sounds a bit odd but you know what I mean!

BBBee · 27/08/2007 14:47

it really vaires - som epeople it is a nightmare other it is great.

For me it is great - my periods are fine and regular and PMT the same. I hate the hormone aspect of contraception so this was an obiovus choice for me and it is a good choice for my lifestyle and my body.

If you do a search you will see the HUGE variation of reactions - ther was a thread yestrday about someone having theirs taken out because of the problmes it had caused. It think it is a case of suck it and see.

Hope it works for you.

runnyhabbit · 27/08/2007 14:45


My periods were v heavy the first few months after having my first coil fitted after ds1, but they were regular, and settled down after a while. They were heavier than normal, but because they were so regular, I was prepared, iyswim, and tbh honest, I'd had so much trouble with the pill previously, heavy periods were a small price to pay.
Have just had another fitted after having ds2, but haven't had any periods as I'm bf.

PMT virtually disappeared (cue v happy dh)

It is uncomfortable having it fitted (bit like a smear) and felt like I had a period type cramp for the rest of the day, so take paracetemol before you go.

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