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General health

Easing the physical symptoms of stress

48 replies

adaline · 15/11/2019 12:45

I'm currently off work with stress and depression. I've struggled with it in the past but yesterday it came to a head and I'm off work until I can see my GP on Tuesday.

I have an incredibly sore neck/shoulders, I'm not sleeping properly (keep waking up around 1/2am and it takes a good couple of hours to get back to sleep), before I'm up for good around 6am. I have no energy so my diet is currently appalling and for the past few weeks I've not even wanted to get out of bed, let alone get up and work a 10 hour day (plus two hours commuting on top).

Has anyone got any advice for what I can do before going to my GP next week? I'm absolutely exhausted and feel really flat :(

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adaline · 16/11/2019 09:57

Thank you so much for everyone's advice. I actually slept through last night but have woken up with a pounding headache - no doubt also stress related Hmm

Has anyone had experience of asking the GP to get signed off? I'm currently "okay" to be off work self-certified until Thursday which my manager has okay'd but I want to ask for longer. I work in retail and Christmas is our busiest time - I don't want to be pushed back before I'm ready and end up in an even worse position.

Do you think if I explained how I'm feeling and my reasoning that I could be signed off for a while?

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adaline · 16/11/2019 15:44

Just a bump :)

I did manage to get out of the house today - just for a dog walk and to the pet shop but I managed it! Felt exhausted afterwards but I'm glad I made it out of the house.

I've also ordered one of those weighted blankets and I've made plans to see my mum after I see the GP next week too. I still feel extremely fragile and don't think I'll be back to work anytime soon but I feel like I've made some baby steps today :)

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notnowmaybelater · 16/11/2019 15:51

Try reading a book instead of a screen when you wake up in the night.

Not only is the type of light emitted by a phone screen working against you drifting back to sleep, the scattered and hectic nature of internet threads makes them more likely to make your mind whirr than to settle it.

Keep your phone in another room and a kindle or paper book by the bed.

Pajamagirl · 16/11/2019 15:52

I am pretty certain the doctor will sign you off
I am currently off work with shingles , probably as a result of months of work stress .i am taking short walks , lots of sleep even if it’s naps on the sofa , I was given a low dose anti depressant (10 mg ) which is also a pain killer for the pain in my legs , but had the added bonus of giving me the first decent sleep I’ve had in ages
Hope you feel better soon

notnowmaybelater · 16/11/2019 15:55

Sorry, missed that you can't concentrate on a book, but really the internet forums are going to make things worse in the middle of the night - listening to the podcasts people suggest with earphones is a good idea. Stay off the internet during the time you want to be sleeping.

adaline · 16/11/2019 15:56

Thanks @pajamagirl

I've been signed off with MH issues before when I asked my GP, but this was several years ago and a different practise/GP. My fingers are crossed anyway, don't think I could handle going back in so soon!

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Galwaygirl · 16/11/2019 16:57

Feel for you as I am feeling exactly the same, could feel the stress buildup over the last few weeks and now I have hit a wall, tight shoulders, neck pain, shooting pain to head, burning sensation in right breast and shoulder blade, under arm pain, like some is holding a hot face cloth to me, can't read because I can't concentrate, have so much to do and no interest to do it, eating unhealthy all the time, waking at 3 am with racing thoughts about work, try to walk and mind races from family to Christmas to work to my physical
Symptoms, hate feeling like this, hugs to you OP

adaline · 16/11/2019 17:04

Thanks @Galwaygirl - hugs back to you too. It sucks and it's really exhausting feeling like this! All I've done today is go out with the dog and I've had no energy since Sad

Hope you feel better xx

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lookatthebabypenguin · 16/11/2019 17:42

That's great you managed to get out today. It's supposed to be the case that with depression-induced exhaustion that gradually increasing your activity levels will reduce the exhaustion.

I concentrate (or try to) on the words and find that stops the mind going round and round on things I can do nothing about. Shutting my mind down usually sometimes means I drop off quite quickly.

I have also started using audio books like this to stop me getting into a panic if I wake in the night. I use ones I've already listened to before and that don't have a wildly dramatic plot so I don't get sucked into strong emotions or wondering what's going to happen next and keeping myself awake(!) and then set it on a timer.

Which also adds some reassurance the next time I wake up if I know I set it on a thirty or whatever minute timer but don't remember it stopping because I had already fallen back to sleep. It's quite nice to know I'm occasionally capable of falling asleep that quickly!

Pajamagirl · 17/11/2019 13:51

How are you doing today ?

adaline · 17/11/2019 16:10

Aw thank you for checking @Pajamagirl :)

I didn't sleep well again last night - knew it was too good to be true! My gravity blanket will be here on Tuesday so I'm hoping that helps, along with a visit to my GP.

I'm okay but feeling very flat and tired. My neck isn't as painful but whenever I think of work I get a sick feeling in my stomach and just want to curl up and cry. I'm going to ask to be signed off for a week or two as well as ask for something to help me sleep. I've taken anti-anxiety stuff in the past which helped so I might try that again too.

I managed to get out today - just to the shops and for lunch but it took it out of me massively and I'm certainly paying for it now!

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Pajamagirl · 17/11/2019 16:31

I know your feeling of anxiety about work I have had this too
Ask the doc for two weeks with a review at the end of that , I am going into my second week off now and am amazed at how much headspace work and worrying about it was taking up
Treat yourself as you would a poorly child , bubble bath , pjs ( that’s why I am Pajama girl ) some comedy on the tv , sleep when you can , eat what you fancy
I’m trying to take my own advice too
Take it easy and take care x

adaline · 17/11/2019 17:04

Thank you, that was exactly my plan :)

I'm hoping a decent stretch of space makes a difference. I'm currently curled up on the sofa in my pyjamas watching old re-runs of Road Wars - just anything to stop my mind wandering and to stop the anxiety taking over again!

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adaline · 18/11/2019 09:39

Just another update from me - another bad night last night. I actually went to sleep early but the dog woke me up needing a wee at midnight and it took me nearly two hours to get back to sleep Hmm I was then up for the day when DH left for work at half six.

I'm really hoping the GP can give me something to help get my sleep sorted because the constant feeling of exhaustion isn't helping - I also feel like I'm constantly on the cusp of a migraine and my stomach is in knots whenever I think about work. I think part of the worry is not knowing whether I'll be signed off or not!

GP tomorrow morning, so fingers crossed Smile

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Pajamagirl · 18/11/2019 15:16

Good luck at the doctors
Make sure you tell them everything even if you feel somewhat better tomorrow . X

adaline · 18/11/2019 15:23

Thank you :)

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adaline · 19/11/2019 11:26

So I've been signed off for two weeks but I've got to go back again before she'll let me be signed off as fit to work - she also recommended a phased return when I do decide to go back.

She was so nice and really understanding. She also said I'm under absolutely no obligation to go back to work in two weeks time if I don't feel ready.

It already feels as though a weight has been lifted Smile

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MotherForkinShirtBalls · 19/11/2019 12:17

That's great, glad you're getting the support you need from the gp. Mind yourself.

Pajamagirl · 19/11/2019 13:38

good news
Knowing you have that break helps massively , follow the recommendations given by PP and be kind to yourself

granadagirl · 19/11/2019 13:54

Don’t try and rush yourself better, be kind to yourself.
Have hot Epsom salts bath for aches & pains.
Wheat bag (you can ward up quickly in microwave)
Plenty of rest.
Food for fuel (energy level up)
Don’t push yourself too much, baby steps.

Read a magazine rather than on phone or computer when you can’t sleep, the blue light will keep you wired.

adaline · 19/11/2019 14:18

Thank you everyone for all your lovely messages ThanksThanks

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adaline · 03/12/2019 10:30

Hello - another update from me Smile

I was back at the GP today and she's signed me off for another two weeks with a further review at the end of that period. She's also prescribe me sertraline for the anxiety and zopiclone to help me sleep - never had either before but fingers crossed they help.

I've also been referred to counselling so need to have a look at that and get myself booked in but not sure what the waiting times are like in our area.

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Galwaygirl · 01/02/2020 11:57

How are you feeling now OP? Reading the thread as I am also trying to ease symptoms of stress

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