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General health

What is wrong with me? Should I try A&E?

32 replies

Milicentbystander72 · 01/11/2019 18:32

Since the end of August I'm been having trouble with my digestion - indigestion and loose bowel movements.
A few weeks into September I gad immense sudden chest and abdominal pain that spread into my back, made my arms go tingly and my skin cold and clammy. Symptoms subsided after about 20 mins. I thought I was having a heart attack. I had 2 ECG tests and all clear (thank god).
The GP took some blood tests to test for heart health, liver and pancreas etc (I think!). All tests were clear.
GP then sent for an ultra sound on my upper abdomen and I found that my gallbladder is full of gallstones. However they said they was no blockage, no infection etc. They said they won't refer me on for gallbladder removal unless I'm very ill and am passing stones regularly.

Since then I'm been having so much abdominal pain. I'm beginning to think I have two things going on. Everything I eat brings indigestion pain and loose stools or diarrhoea. I've been eating very little. Even when not eating I can feel 'churning' or pain. The pain changes around. Last and this morning it was in the lower right hand side of my tummy near my groin.

My GP has taken more bloods to check for infections and I've done 2 stool samples, I don't have an appt with the GP until 2 weeks time, however they said they'd ring soon if there was anything really serious shown up. This was Tuesday.

The thing is, I'm in constant pain sometimes low level and sometimes intense. The pain ranges from the upper right hand side of my abdomen and shoulder blades to all the way down into my lower abdomen and bowel. I feel hungry but can hardly eat anything.

I don't think I can stand anymore. I'm constantly worried about what this is, and I just want some relief. AIBU to consider A&E if it gets worse?

OP posts:
JenniferM1989 · 01/11/2019 20:54

Have you got any decent pain relief OP?

Sunshinegirl82 · 01/11/2019 20:56

The NHS website lists diarrhoea as a possible symptom. I'd definitely go back to the GP. Have a look at the NHS website and maybe the NICE guidance on treatment? If anything useful print it out and take it with you to the appointment.

I hope you feel better soon!

AppleKatie · 01/11/2019 21:00

See another GP. Ask for referral. Sounds like me when I had gallstones. No relief came until I eventually had the op.

Milicentbystander72 · 01/11/2019 21:04

Thank you all. It's helpful to hear about others experiences. I felt like I am/was going a bit mad trying to work out what was wrong....even though my gallbladder is packed with gallstones!!

I have the appt booked with GP in 2 weeks but I will go armed with info. If nothing else comes up from these tests then it must be all connected to gallstones.

Looking on the bright side I've lost half a stone from eating tiny bits of food (and I have much weight to spare!).

OP posts:
GnarlyOldGoatDude · 01/11/2019 21:08

Agree with PP, push for an outpatient appointment with the surgical team. Some of your symptoms are classical for gallstones; others less so; but it needs to be a surgeon who decides whether cholecystectomy is likely to help, not a GP.

Gallstones can give you several different types of problems. They can cause severe pain (biliary colic) without actually causing a “blockage”; it really hurts when the gallbladder contracts against the stones within it. When the gallbladder is thick walled and inflamed, we then call it cholecystitis and antibiotics are needed to calm things down. When a stone goes off travelling down the bile duct, that is what causes biliary obstruction (and causes you to go yellow, and your stools pale, and dark urine).

You’re sounding very symptomatic, and I would be requesting surgical review.

PoohBearsHole · 01/11/2019 21:29

Has your dr recommended anything for the indigestion/heartburn? I have omeprazole but you can get it otc in boots etc - might help? (A little!)

managedmis · 02/11/2019 00:50

I don't understand how they can just leave them there?

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