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General health

perioral dermatitis

78 replies

sunnyblue · 24/10/2019 16:03

does anyone have experience with POD?

I think this is what I have and I look awful.

Seen GP 3 times so far. GP says she isn't sure what it is but doesn't think it's POD (not sure why - it looks exactly like the pics I found online).

She just keeps prescribing hydrocortisone cream which makes it worse. I used it for 8 days and I looked a million times worse afterwards than before. She told me I didn't take it long enough and I need to keep taking it (but I cannot, it just aggravates things). I have been also advised to moisturise, moisturise, moisture but this makes it worse too. The GP is of no use, clearly does not know what I have and how to treat it but refused a dermatology referral.

I look awful and whatever it is it's getting worse. I look awful.

are there any home remedies I could try (if it were indeed POD)? I am completely desperate.

OP posts:
pippyloo123 · 01/11/2019 07:47

Just found this. Might help.

sunnyblue · 01/11/2019 08:36

I really think I need the ABs to clear it. either as cream or tablet. I have saved link on my phone with POD including pics... will show it when I go there next time. I am seeing yet another GP. Fingers crossed I walk out with something else than cortisone/steroid cream.

I am also saving up for a private appointment if all fails. Should have the cash together by early 2020 Smile

OP posts:
CQCnamechange · 01/11/2019 08:41

Have a look at Nadine Baggot (beauty blogger). She recently did a video about it.

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