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General health

Flu Jab

28 replies

QAQA · 02/10/2019 09:37

I’m thinking about getting the flu jab but like to read up on things first.

I’ve had two different views from therapeutic therapy professionals one for and one against.

My main concern is I feel bad enough as it is with this dizziness and I honestly think if I get a cold it will floor me.

I’d welcome anyone’s thoughts or views on getting the jab for or against.

Has anyone had the jab, did you react to it, did it help you?

OP posts:
MadisonAvenue · 12/10/2019 14:48

I'm booked in to have mine at the surgery on Wednesday, I'm in the at risk category, but when I spoke to the surgery a few days ago re booking my sons in for their flu jabs I was told that they hadn't had the vaccines delivered by that point, the delivery had been due and then the date was put back so I'm not optimistic that there'll be a vaccine there on Wednesday.

They couldn't offer an appointment for my sons so I've taken the one to Tesco this morning and he's had his done there, the other is going to make arrangements after work this week.

If I get a call cancelling my appointment at the surgery then I'll go to a pharmacy, I don't want to leave it much longer. As it is, I'm already having it about a month later than usual.

QAQA · 12/10/2019 14:38

I had my flu jab Tuesday evening
Stung a bit but no problems after at all

OP posts:
OhYouBadBadKitten · 09/10/2019 17:06

None of our local chemists have it in stock. My gp surgery still can't offer dates. I'm going to have to book out of town I think.

hoochymamgu · 09/10/2019 16:36

Waves to @OhYouBadBadKitten
Just had mine an hour ago. I work front line LA adult care. Just popped into the local pharmacy that does them, filled in a form and got it free. It did not hurt at all, but my arm aches a bit now. It's free for lots of people, NHS, LA, also for carers or people with chronic conditions. Go for it Grin

BeerandBiscuits · 06/10/2019 12:29

I've only had the flu jab once, 6 years ago. Felt absolutely fine when I had it, three days later started to feel ill and ended up having months of some kind of "virus", according to the GP.
I know you can't get flu from the jab but I'm convinced it somehow made me ill and won't risk it again.
I read up on studies of vit D and its effect on URTI's and flu and get blood test for vit D level every autumn, via an online site. Have been following their recommendations on dosage and so far have avoided getting flu and rarely get colds.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 04/10/2019 22:28

SirToby if my local surgery doesn't have any, should I go to a pharmacy? I'm wrestling with my conscience on this one.

Delatron · 04/10/2019 22:13

It sounds like the Australian fu was horrific this year.
Our flu jab here definitely contains that variant?

VictoriaBun · 04/10/2019 19:50

Had mine about 3 weeks ago, didn't have any problems at all.
Last year's my arm ached for months, and even hurt to lay on it.

LeGrandBleu · 04/10/2019 19:46

We are in Australia. Get the shot this year, because the flu we had was horrendous this year. I was so sick, a wreck and it arrived very early in the season.
Do not hesitate. I had gone at GP to get the shot, but the nurse was running late and I had to leave for the school run, I had booked an another appointment for the following week but for sick during the weekend. Probably caught it in the GP 's waiting room.

This year, a lot of young people died. Mums, teenagers, kids, so sad.

SirTobyBelch · 04/10/2019 09:24

There is a delay in production & supply of the vaccine this year:

If you can't get an appointment right away you should be able to get one in a couple of weeks. As most of the vaccine is produced in France, however, a no-deal EU exit is likely to hold things up again in November.

Could I just repeat previous posters' point that flu vaccination doesn't protect you from colds? Flu is caused by influenza A virus (less commonly influenza B virus and rarely influenza C): an enveloped negative-sense RNA virus of the orthomyxoviridae family. Colds are mostly caused by rhinoviruses, non-enveloped positive-sense RNA viruses of the picornaviridae family. They are structurally distinct and have different proteins on their surfaces. A vaccine that promotes an immune response to flu viruses has no effect at all on the response to rhinoviruses.

QAQA · 04/10/2019 08:58

Thank you ladies
I will pop in to my local chemist on Monday Smile

OP posts:
heath48 · 03/10/2019 23:55

Had mine two weeks ago,I am over 65,have it every year.

Only ever had a bit of a sore arm.

boringisasboringdoes · 03/10/2019 22:27

I have it every year, I missed it once and got flu and felt the most ill I have ever felt in my life, never missed it since.

I've never had any side effects from it other than a slightly sore arm.

Same here

spottysept · 03/10/2019 21:39

I had Influenza type A. It was horrendous and I ended up in hospital for a few nights, I was kinda quarantined so got my own room with a bathroom (every cloud!)

Anyway, it was horrific, never felt so poorly in my life I actually thought I was going to die. I was on a drip the whole time but was that delirious I have no idea what was being pumped into me.

Now I'm NHS frontline and make sure I get my flu jab every year. I've just had mine, I get it in my right (dominant) arm which I use more and so it feels better quicker. It barely hurt and my arm felt better after a day and a half ish. I haven't felt poorly at all, I've been completely normal. The vaccine isn't live so there's no reason to feel poorly after it.

jackparlabane · 03/10/2019 20:45

What 'therapeutic professional' has advised against and why? If they aren't a doctor with expertise in immunology, I'd go with what your GP says - and if in doubt ask them to confirm with PHE what would be best in your case.

DramaAlpaca · 03/10/2019 20:42

I get it every year. I got this year's last Sunday. I had a slightly sore arm for a day or two, but that's all.

To anyone worried about it, the needle used is tiny & you honestly barely feel it.

EmilyJohnson19 · 03/10/2019 20:39

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IHaveBrilloHair · 03/10/2019 10:06

Sore arm today but nothing major.

JoanieCash · 02/10/2019 18:56

It doesn’t contain live virus. You won’t catch flu from it. If you get a viral illness following it, will be for other reasons (including that you caught flu through the air before your body had time to mount an immune response to vaccine).

june2007 · 02/10/2019 18:55

Reasons for, it protects against that seasons strain of Flu.
Reasons agains. You could still get another strain of flu.

Knittedfairies · 02/10/2019 18:51

I had it on Saturday; no reaction. It's not even a 'jab' so the needle phobics shouldn't worry; calling it a jab isn't helpful. Mine felt like a scratch.

IHaveBrilloHair · 02/10/2019 18:47

I had it this morning, feel absolutely fine, but will report back tomorrow.


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Judystilldreamsofhorses · 02/10/2019 18:45

I normally get it at work, but emailed occupational health last week to ask about it and have had no reply. I didn’t realise there was a shortage. My DP has been pretty much bed bound with flu since the weekend and I have been quite scared by how ill he is, on Monday when I got in from work he was practically delirious. He is in quarantine - spare bedroom - and I am washing my hands so much they are raw to try and minimise the chance of getting it.

NanTheWiser · 02/10/2019 15:13

I got mine done at the LLoyds pharmacy in my big Sainsbury's this morning, just walked up without a booking. Being over 65, mine was free.

There is no good reason NOT to have it, flu can be quite dreadful, and sometimes kills vulnerable people, so it's a no-brainier really.

Not sure about availability at the moment, there is a reported shortage of the vaccine, but I don't know if that applies only to the under 65 strain.

LarkDescending · 02/10/2019 14:20

Well I was supposed to have my jab this lunchtime, having booked at Boots well in advance and had appointment reminders as recently as Monday, but when I got there they said their vaccine supplies had run out "nationally" and I couldn't have it. So that was that.

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