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Red lump on breast and 10 weeks pregnant

7 replies

Riddles33 · 16/08/2019 23:36

A few days ago I noticed a red circular lump on my breast just under the nipple. It looked like a very swollen bite, but I haven't been bitten, it wasn't itchy or sore. Went to the GP who has prescribed antibiotics thinking its a blocked milk duct, but to go back in a week if its not gone. I'm not convinced though, I know what engorged breasts feels like having breastfed my eldest. I'm terrified it won't be gone in a week and will end up as a cancer diagnosis. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Many thanks in advance, I'm petrified!

OP posts:
BarbarAnna · 22/08/2019 16:44

Hope you got on ok.

Riddles33 · 21/08/2019 09:21

Hi [Barbar] I've made an appointment for this afternoon, it's been a week since I went and will finish the ABs this afternoon, but they haven't made any difference. Really hoping it's something and nothing. I've got my 12 week scan tomorrow so I'm hoping it's good news only this week! Hope you're ok.

OP posts:
BarbarAnna · 20/08/2019 20:10

@Riddles33 when are you going back to the doctor? Hope all ok.

SnowsInWater · 18/08/2019 05:47

Bet of luck Riddles. I would love to hear you find out it's something totally innocent, keep us posted.

Riddles33 · 17/08/2019 12:27

That's what I'm hoping it is BarbarAnna, it doesn't appear to match anything on Dr Google though. Hope you get some good news from your referral x
Thanks SnowAway, that's the type of cancer I'm worried about, it's not a 'normal' lump, it looks red and angry but isn't sore at all which is weird. I will definitely be going back next week as I'm not convinced the Abs will do anything. I hope you get through your treatment OK and you don't feel too ill x

OP posts:
SnowsInWater · 17/08/2019 01:54

It's more than likely something totally innocent, but if the antibiotics don't do anything don't just leave it and hope it will go away. Looking back I had what I thought was an itchy bite all last Summer (Christmas time here in Aus) and no other symptoms, only to be diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast cancer - a rare and aggressive form of the disease that does not present like "normal" breast cancer - in March when I woke up with a red sore breast that a younger woman would assume was mastitis. Get it checked out for peace of mind 😊

BarbarAnna · 16/08/2019 23:41

Sounds like it could be a cyst? If it hasn’t gone in a week, definitely go back and see what the GP thinks. I am waiting to go to the clinic for a referral (different symptoms) so know how you feel. Take care.

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