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Eustachian tube dysfunction-glue ear

37 replies

Hopeucanhelp · 25/06/2019 07:49

Hi please can you help. I got prescription of mometasone nasal spray from my doctors yesterday. I have had constant ringing in my ears for nearly 2 weeks now and bouts of dizziness. I had a cold for a few days prior to this so try think it’s from that. Seen a nurse practitioner last week who said get Beconase spray but it’s not helped at all so finally got a doctor yesterday who reckons it’s ETD or glue ear. Can I ask is it ok to take sinutab tablets also. I completely forgot to ask him (will check with a pharmacist today) but I have awful headache this morning and eyes feel stuck together so feel I may need sinutab. I’ve never had this before so it’s freakibg me out to be honest. Can’t go to work today and have a 14 my old baby so really need to be better ASAP xx

OP posts:
Starrr123 · 15/11/2021 19:03

How is everyone now? I hve had bad ears have ear infections in both! Had antibiotic ear drops! Ears arent red anymore but rinfing in one ear and popping and cracking! Its been happening for 2 weeks x

Mehripoop · 21/04/2021 07:50

@HappyThursdays how are you now?

Katyy · 27/03/2021 10:34

Yes Mehripoop it certainly is. I’m sat here with very loud tinnitus today in both ears. I’ve just ordered the otovent going to give that a try, then back to the dr 🙄

Mehripoop · 27/03/2021 08:06

@Katyy it’s awful isn’t it

Katyy · 26/03/2021 16:45

Oh glad I found this thread. I’m sure this is what I have, tinnitus in both ears but much worse in the right, a feeling of fullness, and sometimes pain. It seems to clear a bit, then comes back every two weeks. I’m so fed up !
The dr said to try Sudafed but it doesn’t agree with me ,affects my sleep and gives me palpitations, so tried a nasal spray, but it did the same thing. I asked the chemist, he said to try an antihistamine spray, but that’s just made it worse
I suppose I need to see the dr again but don’t want to be a pest.

Mehripoop · 26/03/2021 11:46

@HappyThursdays woohoo!!

HappyThursdays · 14/03/2021 15:02

Hi @Mehripoop just to let you know, this 4x washing through my sinuses with isotonic Sterimar plus a course of steroids for 2 weeks plus the steroid nasal spray at night and my ear is starting to clear. I also had 2 full courses of antibiotics!

But this morning, for the first time since Xmas, I can tell my left ear is starting to hear a little bit. Not a lot - but it is definitely a start. I am still doing the balloon 3x a day plus extra times when I just close my nose, puff out my cheeks and then swallow!

I am still in pain in my ears and headaches but it's definitely progress, although slow!

Mehripoop · 11/03/2021 14:08

Aw thank you. God knows what’s happening. I have tingling chin and lips too. Seems like lots of inflammation pressing on my nerves. Possibly due to the fluid behind my ears. I’ve been told to try an antihistamine whenever I feel the lip tingling. I’ve got the postnasal drip too. I sound like a mess lol. Really hope you get your hearing back! Fingers crossed the spray and balloon combined work for youSmile

HappyThursdays · 11/03/2021 09:45

Yes another 4 weeks. Yes I had that awful fullness too - it's v painful, always feels like my ear drums will burst but they haven't (they did last year and it's great when they do as all the pressure releases and the mucus comes out!).

I am totally deaf one side because of it but I do feel a bit more cheerful now that the one side is registering something! It's really hard with masks as I need to lip read people.

Oh I feel for you being a teacher - v hard to function like this, at least I'm office based.

Btw he said it is worth getting the Sterimar Isotonic spray and washing the sinuses through 4x a day then using the steroid spray at night so it works best if that helps you at all?

Mehripoop · 11/03/2021 06:56

Ah! I wish there was a shortcut. I have hearing in both ears but I get awful pain and fullness. I also feel both ear drums pop whenever I burp- like there’s an object behind them. Also Feels like a permanent cold. And now the doxycycline antibiotics have given me burning skin. Dont know how I’m supposed to go back to work. Might as well pack it in as I’m a teacher and won’t be able to function with children like this. @HappyThursdays hope the balloon shifts things for you. Did they say when they will see you again?

HappyThursdays · 11/03/2021 06:05

Oh no I'm sorry to hear that

I am back on the balloon for another month. I've had zero hearing in my ear since this happened but they did a test yesterday and there is now a trace hearing in that ear so they think the balloon might be shifting it a little and want me to keep going.

So steroid nasal spray at night, salt spray during the day, balloon 3x a day and i have to go back in a month so also not a huge amount of progress! Argh!

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 13:57

@HappyThursdays appointment went really rubbish. It was via phone and he wants to see me face to face in a few MONTHS because of the virus. I honestly am just considering to go private but I’m broke. Feel so gutted....

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 12:56

Fingers crossed! Keep me posted @HappyThursdays

HappyThursdays · 10/03/2021 10:53

oh that does make me feel better that there are people out there who have recovered!

don't blame yourself. Not your fault at all that you have lovely tiny ear passages that get blocked up with mucus! You've said yourself your whole family have sinus issues (as do mine) so it's something that runs in families I am sure.

fingers crossed we both get a new plan of action following our appointments today!

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 10:46

3/4 month recovery

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 10:36

Sometimes I feel like I did this to myself after coming home and crying daily due to postnatal anxiety. I feel like I bunged up my sinuses so badly that I messed up my ears.

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 10:35

*fobbed off by

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 10:34

Well il tell you something that cheered me up abit. My cousin had a baby like me and suffered badly with sinuses (not so much earache) and her ears Would ring and buzz. For two years she was fibbed off mull by ENTs and told its inflammation. However after having a complete meltdown, one ENT told her she has a deviated septum and a few polyps. After the op and a long 3-4 month receiver, she hasn’t looked back! Everything gone. Gives me some hope... @HappyThursdays

HappyThursdays · 10/03/2021 09:10

Yes terrible tinnitus. I've never had it before and it's awful. It also used to really freak me out and make me panic that it would never go away. I'd wake up in the night and panic because it was the loudest then. I can also hear the whooshing of my heart beat. I am also getting more accepting of it now but I need to know it will go away!

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 08:05

@HappyThursdays I know the feeling! My nose isn’t as bad as it can get but like you it seems like my passages are blocked. I saw two private ENTs and they both said I have quite bad inflammation and gave me a damn nasal spray which I’ve been using since October. I’m seeing an NHS ent today and going to beg for grommets or another opinion because my whole family have suffered sinus issues which have only been relieved (or partially for some) through an op. Are you also suffering from fullness and some tinnitus? When I first heard it, I spiralled into a deep depression but now I’m slowly accepting it...

HappyThursdays · 10/03/2021 07:16

Yes the steroids are dreadful on your stomach. Excuse TMI but they give me terrible runs! Like you, I am desperate and willing to try anything!

The weird thing is that my nose isn't blocked but it's all the passages around that seem to be!

Poor you going back to work soon and still feeling awful. I am desperately hoping today they have another solution but I will let you know. At this rate, I would happily go under an op to get rid of this!

Mehripoop · 10/03/2021 07:09

@HappyThursdays it’s awful. I’ve tried the balloon for a few weeks and then gave up. I hate this. My sinuses are so clogged that nothing has worked to break up the mucus- and I doubt il be trying steroids because I have a weak stomach. I need something to be done because I’m back to work after maternity in a few weeks and don’t think I will cope with the sinus headaches as well as the awful ear pressure and aches


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HappyThursdays · 09/03/2021 19:45

Otovent Adult Autoinflation Device - Treatment for Glue Ear Or Otitis Media with Effusion

HappyThursdays · 09/03/2021 19:43

Hi both - I also have this. On my 3rd month of sinusitis - have had 2 courses of antibiotics and of steroids and they've not worked :(. I also have Eustachian tube disorder too and haven't been able to hear anything in my left ear since I got the sinusitis.

I am back to the specialist tomorrow.

Have you been blowing up the balloon? It's called Otovent adult inflation device - you blow it up with your nose 3 times a day. In most cases it clears the blocked Eustachian tubes after a few weeks though sometimes it can take months. I can actually feel it clear then it blocks up again so it's obviously starting to work! The specialists prefer trying this first before opting for surgery!

Mehripoop · 09/03/2021 12:33

Yeah I have that hiss too @UnplainJane. I could hear it outside today!!

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