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Painful Poo!

5 replies

fee77 · 13/09/2004 14:13

A favourite topic of conversation!
My DD (11mths) struggles to poo. She eats fruit and veg each day, and weetabix and wholemeal bread, but is still incredibly bound. She screams when she goes and i am worried that if it carries on she will start holding it in. She has 15oz milk a day and about 4oz of juice - is she constipated because of lask of fluids, or could it be a reaction to something she eats?
I have tried orange juice, it doesn't work - i don't need a quick fix - i need a long term solution.

OP posts:
fee77 · 14/09/2004 13:04

Thank you all so much for the advice - i have made an appointment with the doctor for next week. I am paranoid about being a neurotic mum though.
She really is in alot of pain. It just makes me so mad as i see friends feeding their kids all sorts of crap, yet my hunny has such a healthy diet and still struggles.
Thank you again - i didn't know any one else who had been through this

OP posts:
woodpops · 13/09/2004 15:37

I have to agree with Galaxy, my dd struggled to poo from birth. At times she pooed house bricks they were that big and hard. We were back and forth to the doctors several times. In the end I rushed to the dr with a nappy full of very hard poo and blood before we got refferd to the hospital. THe drs found a tear but said that they needed to carry out a biopsy. When they did the biopsy they found a crack in her bowel which has now been sorted and everything is fine. Go to the doctors and get it sorted now. THe quicker you get it sorted the less your dd will remember about it!!! Good luck

Galaxy · 13/09/2004 15:08

message withdrawn

woodpops · 13/09/2004 15:02

Have you been to the drs?? Is there ever any blood in her stools???

Galaxy · 13/09/2004 14:37

message withdrawn

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